Page 34 of Wicked Proposal

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“Troy,” Kellie greets me, and I turn my head to see Emily’s right hand and friend.

“Hello,” I smile as she teeters across the tiles on high heels. “Be careful.”I frown, wondering how those thin heels don’t have her falling on her face.

“Ah, I’ve mastered heels with this flooring now." she waves off my concern, “Emily’s in the office. I’m guessing she’s told you?” she smiles brightly, I can see the excitement in her eyes.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I smirk, shaking my head.

“Well don’t waste time talking to me, go see her.”

Shooing me away and flicking her hands at me, I make my way to the back of the gallery chuckling, rapping the glass lightly with my knuckles when I reach Emily’s office. She’s on the phone so I wait until she looks up. Her eyes widen while a smile makes its way across her face when she sees me and beckons me in.

Closing the door softly behind me, I take a seat opposite her while she finishes up her phone call. The door opens behind and I turn to smile at Kellie as she pops her head through the gap. “Coffee?” she asks in a whisper.

Giving her a nod, she quickly leaves again. As soon as Emily has finished her call, she places the receiver down and smiles at me. “What are you doing here?” Her smile getting wider still.

“I can go if you’d prefer.” I declare, “I just thought I’d pop in and see my girlfriend.” I push my chair back as I got to stand. I peer across at her to see a frown forming on her pretty face.

“No. I don’t mean that.” She scrambles to her feet to stop me.

Pursing my lips, I throw her an irritated glance. “Are you sure?”I shouldn’t be messing with her like this but it’s fun.

“Don’t be a dickhead. All I’m saying is I thought you’d be busy, so I sent you a text, I didn’t expect…”

“Em,” I stop her, “I’m kidding. I wanted to see you and it was easier than texting.”

“Arsehole.” She slumps back into her chair. “Why do you do that?” she cusses.

“Why?” My nose screws up. “Because sweetheart, I can.” Her eyes narrow but I can see a smirk dying to show itself.I reach across the table and squeeze her hand soothingly.

Kellie comes back with two cups in her hand. “Black, right?” I nod as she places it on the desk and rounds the desk to Emily, putting her coffee down too.

“You're a lifesaver.”Emily tells her, smiling.

“I’ll leave you to it.” Kellie disappears as quickly as she appeared and it’s just us again. Emily gets up and comes around her desk to me, bending down and quickly pressing her lips to mine.

“Hm. Now that’s what I’ve come for.” She smiles and stands upright then leans against her desk gripping the edge with her fingers.

“So, what’s this news? Kellie sounded very excited when I came in.” Her smile brightens up her whole face and I know it must be something special by that look in her eyes. I haven’t seen her smile like that in such a long time. She hasn’t had any cause to.

“Well, you know I’m painting again. You know how I love being thrust into my own little world.” She can't say thrust without me having dirty thoughts about her, so I’ll ignore that for now.

“Go on.” Joining my fingers, I lean forward and hook them around my knee bringing my leg a little further up my other thigh.

She glances down but carries on. “Kellie came up with a brilliant idea. I should do a showcase of my own paintings. Get my name out as an artist and not just someone who owns a gallery. I mean, having the gallery at my disposal helps right?”

“Of course.” I agree with her and wait for her to finish.

“So, if I plan a showcase with another couple of our big artists that should help my reputation. It’s not like I haven’t got anything to hang in here but they’re years old so I could create some new ones… What do you think?” I keep my face straight for the time being while I ponder on it. Of course, I think it’s a fabulous idea. “You’re asking me?”

“Well yeah. I want your advice.” She looks a little unsure of herself now and I don’t want that. “You think it’s stupid, don’t you?”

Uncrossing my legs, I tug her across to me, placing her between my legs. “I think it’s a great idea. You should be painting more. I saw that passion in your eyes again. That’s your calling. Not being stuck here helping others to succeed.”

“But I love my job and I love to see others get their dream, that’s me.” She shrugs like that’s all she needs to tell herself.

I bring her down onto my lap. “Em, what about your dreams, what about you succeeding. Yes, you’ve succeeded here and I’m sure it does very well…” I know how well this place does, but she doesn’t need to know that, not yet anyway. That’s a conversation for another day. “But this is your future we’re talking about. I don’t want to see you in ten years’ time sick of coming here every day and regretting never taking the leap.”

Her teeth sinking into her lip as she softly nibbles on it taking in everything I’ve said. It’s quiet around us and you could hear a pin drop as the only sounds in this room are our combined breaths surrounding us. Her gaze softens as she reaches up to run her fingertips through my hair before teasing them down the side of my face.
