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Shut it, internal voice! That’s different because I was in love with them, they merely thought they could fall for me. Big difference there! What the hell did he mean byusandwe’re all? Wouldn’t that imply that at this moment all five of them want to date me at the same time? I must have fallen asleep back in the meadow because this is straight out of my wildest dreams. Even the fact that they all walked away from me because of supposed feelings is being overshadowed by the way he talked about all of them. All of them wantingme!

The ride back to the ranch is a blur of thoughts and memories. I don’t remember putting Lucifer out in the field or even how I ended up sitting at the island in my parents kitchen. My eyes are glued to the marble countertops in front of me as Colton’s words go around and around in my head on repeat. I don’t know why I’m entertaining this idea of even dating one of them because they all hurt me. They kept me in the dark for eight damn years about why they left me. They made decisions behind my back that ended in me feeling awful for so long.

I say I don't know why, but that's a lie. It's because I still love them. As much as I tried to stop loving them over the years, to push them from my heart like they never existed, I held on. I’ve always loved them. I have always felt like they were the ones I was supposed to be with, they were the ones who stole my heart. It’s not normal to be with multiple partners though, I doubt anyone in my life would be okay with that. And yet, it’smylife.

My mind is going in circles with these thoughts. My head is spinning as my heart fights with my thoughts about what we actually want. We want all five brothers is what we damn well want, but is it plausible?

I really need to table these thoughts for now. Maybe Piper can come over before we go out so I can work this through with somebody not involved. I’m going off of what Colton said and I haven’t even spoken to any of the other Wilds. The best thing to do right now is just keep myself busy until I can get Piper to weigh in on it. That’s the plan I’m sticking with so baking all afternoon it is. Maybe sweets will help clear my head.

Chapter Eight


Josh invited me out tonight with him. We're going to meet up with Piper and Brayleigh, which I was excited about until Colt dropped the proverbial bomb. Colton sent a text to the group to let us know that he spilled the beans with Bray earlier about the past and what we agreed for the future. She was angry, understandably, and I don’t know how she will react to seeing me tonight now. I wouldn’t blame her for getting up to leave the moment she sees me. What we did eight years ago was so very wrong, she probably wants nothing to do with any of us anymore.

I tell myself I’m still going because I made a promise to Josh and I honour my promises. The truth is I’m just entirely selfish, I want to see her again even if she doesn’t want to see me. I’ve been obsessed with running into her again after our eyes met at the engagement party. The way her eyes took me in, the way her mouth said my name, it’s been running through my mind constantly. I don’t need these kinds of distractions while I’m trying to start my environmental lawyer career. My heart isn’t giving me much of a choice in the matter though. It wants her, with or without my brothers involved.

Tonight I dress down in my dark blue jeans, tight black t-shirt, and of course my cowboy boots. To top it all off I toss on my cowboy hat, which brings the whole look together. I’m excited to get out like this, back to my roots in this outfit. I normally have to dress professionally so most of my clothes reflect that, although I do still have some of my regular clothes for occasions like these. I may be more of a corporate “suit” now according to Colton, but I remember where I came from and I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty if I need to. As much as my brothers like to joke that I’m too pretty to get dirty now, I know different.

My phone rings as I’m grabbing my keys, the display says Piper Collins. That’s odd, Piper never calls me. We have each other’s numbers in case we ever need it but it’s never been used before. I hope Josh is okay, I was just about to head out to pick him up. Swiping the call on, I answer the phone.

“Hey Piper. Is everything okay?” I ask, concerned.

“Hey Arch!” She semi-shouts into the phone. I can hear music in the background so they must be at the bar already. “Yeah, everything is fine. I just wanted to have a quick chat with you before you got here.”

“Oh? What about?” I inquire, leaning against the counter as I wait for her to go on. This ought to be interesting if she’s calling me to chat about something.

“My girl, Brayleigh. I heard what you assholes did to her,” Piper reprimands with a stern voice. I wince, thinking about what Bray probably said about it. “Now, lucky for all of you, I like you guys and think you’re perfect for her. So I’m telling you how to get with my bestie so she can stop moping around about all of you douche canoes.”

“Um.” I have no idea what to say to her. Thank you seems inappropriate.

“Don’t say anything, just listen. When you get here with Josh, buy her a drink. Make small talk, draw her in with conversation before you take her out on that dance floor and then, dance her pants off. You need to show her just how much she means to you now,” Piper snaps at me. “Sweep that beautiful woman off her feet. Do you hear me?”

I chuckle a little bit at her protective attitude. “I hear you,” I respond, my cheeks turning up into a smile. “Sweep that gorgeous woman off of her feet and make her forget I was ever a douche canoe.”

“That’s right,” Piper shouts with a laugh. “Now go pick up my fiancé and bring him to me. I miss my man.”

“Aye aye, Captain. On my way,” I joke with a laugh.

Hanging up the phone, I head out the door to Josh and Piper’s house. They live only a few streets over from me so it’s a quick drive to their place. Josh is waiting for me outside when I pull up so he hops in the car as soon as I stop. Piper must have given him a heads up that I was on my way. He fist bumps me when he’s all settled into the car.

“You ready for tonight?” He asks excitedly, rubbing his hands together. “Piper told me she had a talk with you about Bray?”

“That she did,” I say with a chuckle. “She reprimanded me and told me how to get the girl all in one breath.”

“That’s my girl,” Josh chuckles, shaking his head. “I do have to say that what you guys did to Bray is kind of fucked up, you know? I love you like a brother dude so I feel like I can tell you that you done fucked up.”

“I know we did,” I sigh, frustrated with myself. “I never really wanted to cut ties with her. She was my best friend, but they were my brothers. It was a shitty situation that our teenage hormones put us in. I don’t know that we’re in a much better position right now though.”

“Did you guys really agree that you would share her?” He asks a little dumbfounded. “That’s a little crazy. Bray is amazing and no doubt she could take on all you assholes, but what would people say if she did?”

“I honestly don’t know,” I admit, rubbing my face. “It’s definitely something that’s crossed my mind. All I know is that I have almost always loved Brayleigh and I know my brothers feel the same way. If Bray were to ever want to give us a chance and not pick, I would protect her from everyone. She deserves everything, her wants supersede anything else. If it’s all of us, then she’s going to get all of us. This all may be a moot point anyways, she may not want any of us and I wouldn’t blame her.”

“We’ll see how it plays out. I hope you get your girl,” Josh adds with a pat on my back. I hope so too buddy.

We pull up to the bar, finding a spot that's surprisingly close to the door. Someone must have just left for this spot to be open because the parking lot is completely swamped with vehicles. Josh hops out first, jumping up and down on his toes in anticipation. I surprisingly know how he feels although my excitement is mixed with anxiety over seeing Brayleigh. I really, really hope she gives me the time of day to make amends. I don’t want this to be how our story ends, we’re meant for more than that.

“Ready?” Josh asks as I meet behind the car.
