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I know there isn’t any fighting Piper when she gets something stuck in her mind. That girl is stubborn to her very core. Sighing, I nod in her direction. I guess I’ll be going to my first party tonight. Oh god, let me get through it without making a fool of myself.

I can't believe I'm here at Hannah Samson's party. I hate parties, I hate these popular girls, and I'm terrified of running into Tucker Wild. I know he's going to be here, he's always at her parties. There's an open invitation to everyone in our graduating class tonight so it's not like I'm crashing. I just don't exactly feel welcome here either, since these are the exact people who were mean to me for most of my life.

"It's going to be fun! Don't let your worrywart side get in the way of our graduation party!" Piper squeals, grabbing my hand to pull me farther into the party.

She's right, I need to calm down. This is it, my last hurrah of high school and I need to milk every last drop from this experience. I don't want to be the awkward, friendless nobody throughout college. I need to learn to let go and have fun so tonight I'm going to have my first drink! I can do this. For one night I can act like a normal teenager.

"Let's get drinks!" I holler at Piper. "If I'm stuck here for the time being, we're going all out."

"YES!" Piper yells. "That's my girl. Let's get wasted tonight, bitches!"

Shaking my head, I laugh at Piper's shenanigans. We head to where the keg is set up in the kitchen. I've heard beer tastes like deer piss, not that I know how people know what that tastes like, but I'm willing to give it a go. It can't be that bad, I mean it's a favourite of a lot of people in the world. I smile as Piper hands me a cup one of the football guys just filled up for her. Taking a sip, I almost spit it all over Piper.

Yup, it tastes like deer piss.

"Yuck! Why does anyone drink this?" I whisper to Piper. I'm trying so hard not to gag and look uncool. "It's awful."

"It is pretty gross, but it's cheap and once you drink a couple more you won’t even notice," Piper answers with a wink.

God, I hope she's right. This is disgusting. Piper tips her head, drinking her entire cup in one go. Watching her, I decide to go for it as well. It can't make it taste worse, right? Tipping my own cup back, I swallow as quickly as possible. I have to hold my breath at the end because I'm almost certain it's trying to come back up. After a couple minutes, the nausea goes away and a warm feeling fills me instead. I could get used to this light, bubbly feeling.

"Another one!" Piper yells, moving back to the keg.

She comes back over after a few minutes, handing me two red solo cups this time. We cheers our glasses before drinking one of them really fast. Piper explains that we walk around with our cups now that we've got a good buzz on.Buzz, buzz, buzz.Buzz is a weird word and yet it perfectly fits how I'm feeling. I feel like my body is vibrating, but in a good way. I want to sway under the stars and touch soft things, like my hair. Such soft hair I have.

"Girl." Piper laughs as we step outside. "You're already drunk."

"I'm vibrating, not drunk," I say before giggling. "Vibrating is a weird word just likebuzz."

Piper laughs at me, shaking her head at my drunken babbling.

"Let's find somewhere to sit for a bit drunkie," she mumbles. "I somehow forgot you've never done this before. It's pretty obvious right now."

Shrugging, I just stumble after her. Nothing is going to kill my vibrating, buzzed feeling.

The wind is stronger out here than it was earlier. It feels amazing on my warm, flushed skin. Thank god I changed into my cut off shorts, I don't have to worry about extra strong breezes right now. I stop watching where Piper is, too enthralled by the way the trees dance in the wind with the firelight illuminating them.Ill-um-in-at-ing. Mouthing the word over and over again because it feels funny, I move towards the trees.

I stop suddenly, remembering Piper is supposed to find me a seat somewhere. Looking around, I don't notice her anywhere around. In fact, there's not many people around here at all. Where the heck did I walk off to? I start to freak out before I realize I'm still holding a beer. Drinking more sounds like it will make everything better.

Giggling to myself, I walk towards the closest tree, drinking my beer like it's water. The pee taste seriously goes away when your mouth goes numb. Just warmth and fun left in the beer after that. Leaning against the tree feels awesome, it’s taking all the weight off of my feet. With my eyes closed, I relax, breathing in the crisp night air.

“Brayleigh?” A deep voice says from in front of me. “What the fuck are you doing?”

My eyes shoot open taking in the person in front of me. My mind takes a few extra seconds to catch up with me as I just dumbly stare at the guy in front of me.

Tucker Wild looks hot as all get out tonight. He always looks like your typical bad boy with hisjust rolled out of bed,sexy chestnut brown hair. It makes me want to run my hands through it, just like he must do multiple times a day. His plain white v-neck t-shirt hugs every muscle on his chest and arms. I stop myself from leaning around to check him out from behind, but I bet his butt looks amazing in his ripped black jeans. Tuck has always towered over me, not that it’s hard at five foot nothing.

“Uh.” Wide eyed, I stare at him like I was caught red-handed doing something bad.

“Well?” He glares down at me. “Do your parents know you’re at a party?”

“Of course they do,” I retort. “I don’t sneak behind my parents back like some people.”

Smirking at him, my drunk mind feeling like I won this round of whatever game we’re playing. Tuck starts chuckling, losing the frown I was afraid had turned permanent. I like when he laughs, you see the boy he tries so hard not to be. His persona of a-hole supreme is all you ever see anymore. From what I’ve heard, it gets him laid a lot so I guess that’s probably why he does it.

“You’re still such a goody two-shoes,” Tuck murmurs as he approaches my tree. He leans back against it with me, making my brain lose every last working cell it had.

“I am not,” I eventually scoff. “I do bad things. I do so many bad things.”
