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“I call the green set,” he whispers in a breathy tone.

The mixture of his tone and words causes a bubble of laughter to peel from my lips. His chuckle quickly joins mine, both of us finding his teasing a lot funnier than we should. We make our way over to the counter, him taking the green set of clubs and balls while I pick out the pretty purple ones. We start the course, going for the longer set to prolong our time together as much as we can.

It quickly becomes apparent that Mason will indeed be kicking my ass. It’s been so long since I last played mini golf that I am lucky if I get the ball in at all, let alone in just one or two putts. Mason keeps a smile on my face the whole time anyways, even as he destroys me. When we get to the final few courses, Mace starts feeling a touch bad for how utterly awful I am. Stepping up behind me, he tries to adjust my stance as best as he can. The only problem with this plan is that now his deliciously hard and toned body is now pressed up against my back and all thoughts have left my mind.

The only things that are registering in my mind right now are how amazing he feels pressed against me and how damp my panties are now. Mini golf stance is the farthest thing from my mind which is working well for me because it means he’ll keep pressing against me like he is. If I keep focusing on the other things he’ll keep doing them, it’s a brilliant solution in my mind.

“Are you even trying to pay attention?” Mace chuckles behind me. “I’ve repeated the same instruction five times, pretty girl.”

“Uh, maybe.” I bite my lip, keeping the giggle that wants to break free firmly locked away. “But, could you repeat it anyways?”

“Sure,” he responds with a smirk. “First, you tell me where your mind went.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I laugh awkwardly.

“Tell me.” Mason pokes my side a few times. Giggling, I try to move away from him. “Oh, no you don’t.”

“Mason!” I scream-giggle. His arms move around my waist, turning me around so we’re face to face and holding me in place so I can’t pull away from him.

“Tell me what you were so distracted by. You’re not going anywhere until you do.” His hands start their tickle assault again, making me wiggle around in his arms.

“Fine!” I yell to stop the tickling. “I was thinking about your body and how wet you make me.”

“Woah,” Mace mumbles, pulling me closer as he does. “I wasn’t quite expecting that answer.”

“Do you like that answer?” I whisper, biting my lip as I wait for his answer.

“I love that answer,” he responds, hovering his lips just above my own. “It’s exactly the answer I wanted.”

With that, Mason presses his lips to mine, kissing me softly. After a moment, he deepens the kiss, swiping his tongue along the seam of my lips and urging them to open for him. I happily oblige, needing to feel so much more of him. His tongue starts an erotic dance with my own, moving together in perfect synchrony. Mason is dominating with his kiss, controlling every aspect of it right down to the pressure. By the time we pull apart, we’re both gasping for breath, our chests rising and falling rapidly against each other.

“To be continued, pretty girl.”

Chapter Twelve


My brothers were pissed that I dropped the bomb about our pact as well as our new agreement to Bray the other day. And I completely get it, don’t get me wrong, but how in the hell did they expect to get anywhere if we had a major secret like that with her? When I rode to the meadow I had no idea if it was even something I wanted. I knew on some level that I still cared deeply about Brayleigh, she stole my heart and never fully gave it back. Seeing her again, her smile shining brighter than the sun, and hearing her carefree laugh made me realize my feelings never left or changed. If anything, the distance made my heart grow fonder.

The kind of love I felt for her eight years ago didn’t just disappear, it just hid itself until I was ready to handle it again. She ran into me at her graduation and I had to bite my tongue hard to keep from telling her how absolutely incredible she looked that day. It wasn’t the right time to open that can of worms, it was better to just smile and let her go on her way. I won't be doing that this time around, this time I'm going to tell her how much she means to me and show her all the ways she'll be mine.

We've all been in close contact with each other since this agreement started. All of us except Tuck that is. He's fighting this more than anyone else. I think it's because he lost more than anyone else the first time. At least in his eyes he did, the rest of us disagree. We were each something different that Brayleigh needed and the pact affected all of us differently. That doesn't mean that it was deeper or more shallow for any of us, it was just different. With Archer and I being the oldest, we had no choice but to pull back. The age gap at that time in our lives was highly inappropriate, now it's not so bad. Now, I get to fulfil my heart’s desire and date the girl of my dreams.

Speaking of dates, I have one with her tonight and I’m more nervous than a sinner in church. I haven’t been able to keep still at all today, staying still means my thoughts run wild about what’s going to happen tonight. My hands have been shaking and sweaty all day, what if she doesn’t like me? She’s been out with everyone but Tuck already and it went well from what they said. There’s no guarantee that it’s going to be like that for me. I held back the most in my friendship with Brayleigh because I knew where it was going. Even as a young boy I thought she was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. I even told my dad that I would marry her one day.

I took on a leader role in our group to keep the peace between the hooligans that are my brothers and to keep my distance a bit. Our ages were one thing that I was immensely aware of at all times. All of that doesn’t matter anymore yet that doesn’t mean this is going to work like I want it to. I can’t admit it to anyone I know, especially not my brothers, but I’m terrified she’s not going to like me.

Fuck, I sound like an idiot. I feel like I’m eighteen fucking years old again.

The clock is taunting me with it’s ticking and tocking, moving so damn slowly my grandma could pass it three times over. There’s only thirty minutes until I have to leave, it’s taken me what feels like five hundred hours just to pass the last thirty minutes though. I can only style my short hair so many times or straighten out my fucking shirt when the wrinkles have run off completely sick of my shit too.

Don’t screw this up. Please, don’t screw this up.

My phone rings during my pep talk to myself, I grab it quickly just in case it’s Bray. A sigh of relief escapes my lips when I see that it’s Archer and not Bray. At least she isn’t already calling it quits on me. Swiping to answer, I bring the phone up to my ear.

“Hey Arch.”

“Hey, man. How are you doing? You ready for the big date tonight?” he asks, his voice holding nothing but curiosity.
