Page 48 of Suddenly Married

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“Kira, have you told your parents that you’ve left your husband?” Poppy asked.

Billie squeezed Kira’s hand, as if she was sick.

Kira groaned in response, then crossed and uncrossed her legs, unsure about how to be comfortable on the couch. For the past two days, she hadn’t really done much. She wrote her resignation later to the human resources department, but had yet to send it. She also knew that she had to contact Luc, as her soon-to-be ex-husband and ex-boss.

And I’m soon to be ex-anything. God, her rash decision to leave him ensured she’d lost everything. She left her job in the worst, most unprofessional way, and her abandoning Luc sure became a breach to the contract, which she was sure Richard and the lawyers would point out. Richard wasn’t evil, but he did work for the devil—both of them.

She sighed, and gave her cousins a weak smile. She’d told them she had a fight with Luc, but she refused to tell them about his revenge plot.

“Kira?” Billie called her.

Kira blinked herself out of her musings. “No. I haven’t told Mom or Dad. Please don’t mention it to anyone yet,” she asked. Oh, the joy of having her newlywed status taken away so soon.

“Are you sure you can’t fix things? If you tell us what happened, we can help you,” Poppy said. “You two seemed to be getting along so well.”

“Yeah,” Billie added, “Do we need to punch his lights out?”

“No. Maybe. No,” she said, worried Billie may take her seriously. Out of the three of them, Billie had always been the energetic tomboy. Her father always wanted a boy, so fair to say he put a lot of pressure on Billie to fill those shoes.

“You’d better be serious because you know she will,” Poppy said. “Spill it, sister.”

“Maybe we should have stuck to the fake part of marriage. It’s just… it wasn’t easy for me to trust someone. And he’s been so wonderful. Now I wonder if diving in headfirst wasn’t a stupid mistake,” she said, trying her hardest to stay vague and not say anything that could get her or even him in trouble.

She didn’t condone his revenge plan, and couldn’t live with him if he had so much darkness in his heart. But at the same time, she wouldn’t spoil it for him. It wasn’t her place, and she still felt some strange protectiveness over him.

“You falling for him was impossibly romantic.” Poppy touched her chest, in her typical optimistic way.

“Yeah. I guess those kinds of things aren’t really practical.”

“When you’re ready to talk more, we’re here,” Billie offered. “And the offer to hurt him stands.”

A chuckle floated up her throat. She imagined Billie, all five foot seven, trying to punch her tall husband on his face. Maybe his stomach? She decided not to voice her suggestion.

“I’ll snap out of it soon. Thanks for taking me in,” she said.

“Of course.”

The doorbell rang, and Billie raced to the door to get the Chinese food they’d ordered. While her cousin grabbed the two bags, Kira stood from the couch. She wasn’t hungry, but maybe a walk would do her good. She had been in this apartment for the past two days, and fresh air would do her good.

Also, away from her cousins and their questions.

“I’ll go out for a bit. To clear my head,” she said, and thankfully food distracted them, because they didn’t protest or offer to go along.

She looked at her sweat pants, a far cry from the fancy clothes in her other closet, and slipped on some flip-flops and left.

A good walk was all she needed.

But as she merged into the walking crowd, following the flow of the people without really having a place to go, the same sadness from her apartment kept her hostage. Damn it.

She loved Luc. This heartbreak was way worse than Andrew. She hadn’t lived with Andrew a third of what she had with Luc.

Andrew had been a pleasant man, with a good job and without many flaws. Safe.

But Luc had turned her life upside down, even if she’d agreed to it. He brought her out of her shell, even if he hadn’t meant for that to happen. He got to know her, inspired her to be more open with her parents and face her issues.

He’d taken her to his home in France, where she met his mother. He’d shared that part of his life with her.
