Page 16 of Lawyer

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“You’re done fucking him, Aria,” he says, his voice low and menacing. “Do you understand me? You are done. You will not see him again.”

I swallow hard and feel the veins in my neck standing out, beating with the rhythm of my racing heart. But I stand up as straight as I can and, licking my lips, stare into Lucas’ eyes.

“Who I see is none of your business—”

His hand lashes out so quickly, I don’t even have time to flinch until it slams into the wall beside my head. I turn to find that his fist has cracked the weak stucco wall and bite the inside of my cheek to keep from crying out so hard, the coppery taste of blood fills my mouth.

“Lucas, I promised to get you the money I owe you,” I say, the words falling out of my mouth in a rush. “I’m going to. I swear it.”

His eyes continue to bore into mine as he retracts his arm and stands up straight, putting a little breathing room between us. My mouth is dry, my palms are damp, and my stomach continues to cramp painfully.

“You’re goddamn right you’ll get me my money,” he hisses.

“I will. I swear, Lucas.”

“And you’re going to stop fucking that guy.”

“I—I’m not. We’re not having sex,” I stammer. “We haven’t had sex.”

He stares at me closely, as if trying to determine the veracity of my words. He seems to believe me because he nods and that slow, menacing, reptilian smile crosses his lips again.

“Good. Keep it that way then.”

“I—I will.”

“I’m going to give you three days to get my money, Aria. You’ve got seventy-two hours,” he says. “And if you don’t come up with every penny you owe me by then we’ll have to reassess the terms of your employment.”

“I’ll have it, Lucas.”

He arches an eyebrow at me, that smile on his lips becoming more threatening. “Don’t you want to know what the new terms of your work will be?”

I shake my head. “No, not really.”

“Well, the first thing that’s going to happen is I’m going to use you, Aria. I’m going to fuck you a thousand different ways. I’m going to do things to you that not even the most hardened deviant would think of doing,” he threatens. “And when I’m tired of you and have used you up, when I’ve broken you in, I’m going to turn you out. And you’re going to earn for me out on the streets. You’ll be giving twenty-dollar blowjobs until you’ve earned enough to pay me what you owe me. Do you understand?”

His words make the hair on my body stand up and send a wave of nausea rippling through me. My mouth is dry, but I can taste the acidic bile in my throat. I have to swallow a few times before I’m able to work any moisture into my mouth at all and when I speak, my voice is a hoarse, cracking whisper.

“I—I understand,” I say, wincing at how weak I sound.

Lucas chuckles softly and runs the tip of one of his fingers from my jawline down to my shoulder and then he traces the curve of my breast and hip, making my skin crawl. The taste of bile in my throat is even stronger and I’m struggling to keep from throwing up.

“Honestly, I kind of hope you don’t make it because I’d really like to get a piece of your ass, Aria. Actually, I want the whole thing,” Lucas says.

“I’ll get it, Lucas. I swear it.”

He holds my gaze for another moment, and I feel his phantom touch on me once more, making me want to gag all over again. He licks his lips suggestively and lets his eyes slide over my body the way his fingers had.

“Three days, Aria. Seventy-two hours,” he says. “Oh and tell that big guy that you’re not only not allowed to fuck him, but if I ever see him again, I’m going to kill him. Slowly. Painfully. Nobody suckerpunches me like that and lives to tell the tale. Got it?”

And with that, he turns and walks away, melting into the shadows and disappearing from my sight. A long, shuddering breath bursts from my throat as I sink to my knees and bury my face in my hands. I try but can’t stop the tears from flowing or my body from shaking.

All the good feelings I’d arrived with have vanished, leaving me feeling nothing but the purest sense of dread and fear I’ve ever known before. I have no idea how I’m going to get Lucas the money I owe him. And my only thought right now is that I can’t get Silas involved because Lucas will make good on his threat.

And if anything happens to Silas because of me, I couldn’t bear it.


