Page 6 of Lawyer

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“We need to talk,” is all he says before he closes the door.



“Okay, first of all, while I appreciate you stepping in with Lucas, I didn’t need your help,” Aria screeches. “And by doing what you did, you made things worse for me, Silas. A lot worse. And let’s not mention the trouble you got me into with my boss…”

I haven’t even started the car and pulled out of the lot yet Aria has already started tearing into me. Her face is flushed, her eyes narrowed, and she’s hissing at me through gritted teeth. It’s actually kind of adorable.

“Right,” I say. “So, the next time I see some prick manhandling you, I should just leave you be and hope for the best. Got it.”

“Don’t be an asshole.”

The truth is, seeing that piece of shit put his hands on her pissed me off like I haven’t been pissed off in a long time. He somehow got the idea in that little pea brain of his that he’s got the right to put his hands on what’s mine, so I needed to teach him a lesson and disabuse him of that silly fucking notion. Make no mistake about it, Aria is mine. And that’s exactly why I had to step in and do something about it. No man puts his hands on what’s mine. No one.

Just the thought of seeing that loser with his hands on her makes my stomach churn with hate and I have to force myself to loosen my grip on the wheel before I tear it off the goddamn steering column.

“That’s my job, Silas. I have to work there and if you—”

“You shouldn’t have to work there. That place is a shithole.”

“Yeah, well, not all of us have the luxury of working in some swanky corner office with a spectacular view.”

“My view isn’t all that great.”

“Goddammit Silas—”

My laughter cuts her off and she slumps back in the passenger seat, arms folded over her chest, a petulant look on her face.


“You do know that telling a woman to relax has never actually made her relax, right?” she growls. “Never once in the history of the world.”

I chuckle to myself and shake my head as I weave in and out of traffic. Aria remains silent the entire ride over and refuses to look at me. I pull to a stop in front of a boutique hotel in Beverly Hills called the Dormer. Aria looks at the front entrance to the hotel then turns to me with an astonished expression on her face.

“You have got to be kidding me,” she says. “Why in the hell would you bring me to a hotel, Silas? Do you really think I’m going to fuck you?”

Not yet. But soon. I give her a smile instead of answering her question. “Relax—”

“There’s that word again.”

“Let’s go,” I say and get out of the car.

I hand my keys off to the dark suited valet then escort Aria up the burgundy carpet that runs beneath the portico and to the front doors. Another man in a dark suit nods as he holds the door open for us. I follow Aria inside and place my hand on the small of her back and guide her over to the bank of elevators. We step inside and I hit the button for the top floor. Her entire body is tense and as I look at her licking her full, pouty lips nervously all I can think about is how good they’d feel wrapped around my cock. Half of me wishes I’d booked a room for us.

The elevator car slows then stops and the doors slide open, letting us out onto a rooftop bar that overlooks downtown LA.

“Now this is a spectacular view,” I say, stating the obvious but hiding the fact that what I really mean isn’t the cityscape in the distance but rather what’s in the foreground, inches in front of me. Her.

City of Angels? The only angel I see is the one exiting the elevator in front of me as I hold the door open for Aria.

There are a couple dozen people having drinks up here tonight and soft rock music is playing. I’ve always enjoyed the atmosphere at this place’s high altitude. It’s not quite a wild party but it’s also not as staid and somber as some of the social clubs I belong to. There is a long, polished oak bar to our right and the rest of the space is taken up by tables, some of them high and some of them low. She gives me a strange expression that’s half flirty, half annoyed, and allows me to guide her over to a low table near the railing.

I pull the seat out for her and push it back in after she sits down, then take the seat across from her. A waitress comes over to our table and takes our drink and appetizer orders then turns and heads off to put it in. We sit in silence and all I can do is sit there admiring the way her t-shirt clings to the swell of her perfect, perky breasts. My cock stiffens and my skin grows warm as I eagerly anticipate feeling them in my hands and mouth. The waitress stops by and drops off our drinks then quietly and discreetly disappears again.

“So, why’d you bring me here?” she asks.

“I told you. We need to talk.”
