Page 76 of Deadly Obsession

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“I didn’t know Breá was Declan’s until James told me.”

“A lot of things are Declan’s. It’s hard to keep track.”

She quirked a brow at his tone, and he lifted a shoulder, indicating he’d tell her later. Whatever he’d discussed with Declan in the meeting he was leaving, it didn’t sound like it went well.

“You remember Felicity, Alex, and Dani from the wedding.”

“Yes,” Aidan said, leaning forward to shake each of their hands. “Good to see you again.”

“It was a beautiful event,” Dani said. “I can’t wait to see pictures.”

“Me too,” Viv agreed. “Evie said something to me this morning about having proofs back in the next week or two.”

When Aidan’s phone signaled, he dug it out of his pocket and checked the screen.

“I’ve got to run.” He leaned down and pressed a lingering kiss to the edge of her jaw, and she had to fight hard not to sigh. “I’ll see you at home. Enjoy your lunch.”

The entire table watched him until he disappeared onto the sidewalk. Then every eye was on her again.

“What?" she asked when they only stared.

“Um, looks to me like things are better than good. Oh my God,” Felicity breathed when Viv shifted in her chair. “Are you in love with him?”

Viv felt her cheeks heat, and she sucked in a deep breath. “I don’t…I… Yes,” she finally admitted. “I’m in love with him.”

Alex shot her a sympathetic look across the table. “Why does that sound both happy and sad?”

“I’m not sad. It's just…” Viv pressed a hand to her belly. “It’s unexpected. I didn’t think I’d fall in love with him this fast.” Or this completely. “It still feels so new. I don’t want to mess anything up.”

“You’ve got a lifetime to learn about each other,” Felicity reminded her. “Unconventional as it is, I think maybe this happened for you in exactly the right way. And if you love him and he loves you, does it really matter how you met?”

“No,” Viv replied. “I guess it doesn’t.”

They moved on from her sex life to catch up on everyone else’s, and Viv pushed the food around on her plate, not really all that hungry. She hadn’t had much of an appetite lately. Everything made her nauseous.

When Viv insisted on paying the bill, Felicity and Dani excused themselves to the bathroom, and only Alex remained. She’d always been the quiet, steady one of the group.

“Are you okay?”

“Of course. Why do you ask?” Viv counted out bills and slipped them into the folder.

“You didn’t eat much. Just kind of moved things around with your fork.” Alex never missed a thing.

Viv smiled. “I had a big breakfast,” she lied. “But I wouldn’t have missed seeing you guys for anything. It was nice to get away and just hang out with you again. Feels like old times.”

Alex’s smile was warm. “It does. You seem like you’re adjusting okay, though. Settling in and all that.”

“Yeah,” Viv said, reaching for her bag when Alex stood. “It’s taken some getting used to, but maybe Felicity was right, and everything really does happen for a reason.”

“I think so too.” Alex looped her arm through Viv’s, and they wandered into the lobby. “I hope you’ll come to Felicity’s party. It’s been such a long time since we all went to one together.”

Viv hesitated but forced a smile when Dani and Felicity rejoined them. “I don’t think Aidan will be against at least making an appearance. Besides, I can’t let you have all the fun interrogating Dani’s mysterious date without me.”

“About that,” Alex said with a laugh. “Why won’t you tell us anything about them?”

“Because,” Dani sniffed. “I know how you three are. I want you to make your own first impressions.”

“I’m hurt,” Felicity said with a toss of her hair. “You make us sound judgmental or something.”
