Page 89 of Craving Their Mate

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“In a way. When we arrived, they'd already taken off. Their flight plan says they'll head to Tampa—Peter O'Knight airport to be exact.”

“Shit. I figured Delancey wouldn’t follow protocol. I want you and Rider to fly down to Florida and find the son of a bitch. Did Steve Hill find you?”

He figured that must be the captain who just approached them. “Yes. Is there any way to find out which airport Delancey will land at in case he doesn't follow the flight plan?”

“I’ll see what I can do on my end.”

“Thank you, general.”

“You can thank me by taking down that Colter.”

“Yes, sir.”

Rider rushed up to him. “Let’s go.”

They followed the pilot to the Gulfstream. Once they were seated, the pilot took off. “What’s the plan when we arrive?” Grayson asked.

“After we find them, we need to watch before we make our move.”

Grayson blew out a breath. “Agreed. The fact Paris is alive implies Delancey plans to use her as bait. He has to believe someone will come looking for her.”

“If Doug Peterson is working for Delancey, he probably told his boss that she has a boyfriend or two.”

“I forgot about that scum. Delancey has to figure out that Paris couldn’t have learned all that information on her own. I just wish we could have heard exactly what she told him."

"Whatever it was, it was enough to make him run."

For the rest of the trip, they talked about different strategies, but one thing remained constant. Paris was their top priority. Then they would decide how to deal with Delancey. If nothing else, the man would be charged with kidnapping, though everyone wanted more than that.

Grayson hoped that when he downloaded the app to his US phone, the bobby pin would transmit, but he wasn’t all that hopeful. The camera button, he was certain, had no chance of working.

Five and a half hours later, they landed at a small airfield on Davis Island, Florida. As soon as they touched town, both Grayson and Rider received a text from the general.

It said he’d meet them outside. “That’s what I call service,” Grayson said.

“The general is amazing. It’s clear he wants Delancey, but it’s not like he can arrest him in the States for his cocaine manufacturing in Canada,” Rider said.

“True, but that's because we have no proof Delancey is guilty—other than the fact he ran.”

“As soon as we make sure Paris is safe, we can see how the general wants us to proceed.”

Grayson’s phone pinged again. “It’s a text from Connolly.”

“What does he say?”

“The Gonzalez family has arrived at their destination. It’s a house in Forbes, Canada.” He faced Rider. “Do you know where that is?’

“It’s about fifty miles west of where I live.”

“Connolly wants to know what you want him to do?”

“Tell him to stay put until tomorrow. We’ll contact him then.”

Grayson typed in the information. The plane engine cut off. “Let’s go.”

As soon as the door opened and the staircase lowered, they shot down the stairs. Time was of the essence.

The general strode toward them. “Gentlemen. I hope the trip was pleasant?”
