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And we weren’t even going to talk about how my fucking tongue forked the second I got a taste of her sweet cunt.

Then, fuck, I was still trying to wrap my head around this part, as her pussy spasmed around my cock, dragging my orgasm out of me, my fuckingwingsshot out of my back.

I was completely powerless to stop it.

Thank fuck I was fucking her from behind because if she saw that shit, she would scream her head off. And not in the good way.

I mean, seriously, what the fuck?

Was that why my brother liked to fuck human women so much? Was there something different about them? Something more intense?

It certainly felt more intense.

It felt fucking all-consuming.

I’d never come that hard in my life.

I swear I saw stars.

I felt the pleasure down to my toes, for fuck’s sake.

The crazy shit was, that was only half of the reason I felt like I needed to get the fuck out of there as fast as possible.

The other part of that was this weird as fuck sensation in my chest when I’d walked back into the living room and saw her standing there, all rosy and dreamy-eyed.

It was like a tightening sensation.

Like the humans complained about when their hearts started to fail them.

But my heart couldn’t fail me. It didn’t work that way. So, then, what the hell was going on with me?

I was walking out of the elevator as I reached for my phone, seeing a text from Ace that said he still hadn’t heard from Daemon.

And that was exactly who I felt like I needed to talk to right then.

I found him and hit the call button, listening to his voice saying to leave a message.

“Yo, Daemon. I… I need to fucking talk to you about something. As soon as possible. I don’t give a fuck if you don’t answer Ace right now. But call me back,” I said, then ended the call.

I probably sounded desperate in that message.

I couldn’t even bring myself to worry about that, though.

In a way, I was desperate.

And if anyone would take that seriously, it was Daemon, who knew that was not normal for me. If anyone was going to prompt him to call, it was going to be me. Especially since I’d all but given up on trying to tell him anything several decades ago.

Maybe I should have been more worried about the fact that he was, it seemed, missing. Anyone else would be. The thing was, even if Daemon got himself into some sort of fucked up situation, there wasn’t much to worry about. He couldn’t be killed. If he was getting his ass kicked, well, he probably deserved it.

Once everyone saw that they really couldn’t kill him, they would let him go.

He would show up eventually.

The only reason I was itching to talk to him was to ask about the whole Change shit.

Until then, I had to just assume it was a random thing that I needed to learn how to control.

I wasn’t naive. It wouldn’t be easy. It was like a human trying to stop breathing or sneezing. It was an uncontrollable impulse.
