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The cold had been one of the biggest shocks of being dragged into the human world. Having lived many years of my immortal life in the hottest place in our planet, even the human summers felt chilly.

I wasn’t quite at the level Ace was about the cold, but I imagine that had come on slowly over the years, and thanks to the fact that he’d spent a lot more time in hell than any off us had, acclimating to the climate.

As I watched, her other hand moved toward the corner of her book, sliding a long finger with its neat oval nail painted a nude color under the edge of the page, then flipping it.

I don’t know how long I stood there watching her read before she seemed to get pulled out of the story, and her body stiffened.

Humans were pretty dense creatures, in my experience. Wholly unaware of their surroundings, completely oblivious to danger.

But they all had moments where something inside of them seemed to sense a threat, making them stiffen and finally look around.

That seemed to be what was going on with the professor.

I slinked back into the shadows as she looked around, trying to find the source of the uncomfortable feeling.

Reaching up, she pulled off the glasses that took up a lot of her face, then slow-blinked at the library before shaking her head like she thought she was being silly, grabbing her glasses, and getting back to reading.

Eventually, her posture kept getting lower and lower, until her upper body was practically draped over the table.

Then, of course, the inevitable happened.

She fell asleep.

Right there.

In public.

Where anyone could do anything they wanted to her.

Fucking humans.

Really, it was a wonder they survived as a species.

Shaking my head, and resisting the strange fucking urge to cover her sleeping body in that blanket she’d brought with her, I turned around and exited the library.

If I were to play the part of a fellow professor who wanted to discuss her favorite topic with her, I couldn’t be showing up in the middle of the night.

So I took myself off campus to find a hotel room to stay in, jacking up the heat until the room finally felt comfortable, and dropping off to sleep for a bit just to pass the time.

Sleep wasn’t something we really needed much of, but I’d gotten accustomed to the normal, human schedules thanksmostly to the women who’d come to live in the house as well as all the parties we threw.

I hadn’t quite wrapped my head around the whole biker club thing we did. From what I could tell from the media I’d consumed on the topic, outlaw biker clubs really only existed to party and commit various sorts of crimes. Neither of those things were shit Ace was overly interested in. He was happier alone with a book in front of the fire.

But, it seemed, coaxing the evil out of human beings who had it simmering beneath the surface had been his way of brooking favor with our boss downstairs for the day when he could eventually return.

The others seemed to love all the drinking, drugs, and fucking. My little brother included.

The club also managed to bring in some revenue which, despite being immortal beings, we all needed to have to survive on the human plane.

It paid for my hotel room.

And the outfit change I picked up to play my part better.

And the coffees I picked up on my way back to the library early the next morning.

Where I found her in the same position.

As if sensing my presence, she shot upright in her seat, slow-blinking the sleep out of her eyes as she looked at me.
