Page 58 of Renegade Roomie

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Dash leans closer. “Unless you want to stick to the rules…?” he asks, breath hot on my cheeks.

Is he kidding me?

I grab his collar and look him dead in the eye. “Fuck the rules,” I blurt, and kiss him.


I feel Dash chuckle against my lips, but then I slide my tongue in his mouth, and that shuts him up fast. With a groan, he pulls me into his lap, hands sliding over the silk of my dress as he kisses me back, hot and hard and sweet.

“Fuck, you’ve been driving me crazy,” he gasps, blazing a trail of kisses down my bare neck, pausing to nip at my earlobe. “This dress… Fuck, I’ve been hard for you all night.”

I feel a pulse of desire roll through my body. “And you in that suit…” I run my hands over him, bold with lust. “I want you out of it.”

Dash bites back a groan, capturing my mouth again. I move so I’m straddling his lap, my dress riding higher, his hands hot on my thighs. God, this kiss is incredible, all the pent-up heat from the past days finally unleashed. We’re devouring each other, hands everywhere, like nothing else in the world exists—

“Wet,” Dash breaks away from my mouth.

“Your fault,” I gasp back, bucking against him.

His eyes flash, but he chuckles. “Not that. Rain.”

I look up. He’s right. It’s sprinkling, tiny droplets falling from the clouds overhead.

“Ignore it,” I say, claiming his mouth again. A little rain isn’t going to dampen my passion right now, with my pulse racing, and desire hot in my veins.

But a couple of moments later, there’s a rumble of thunder, and the skies open. It pours.

I yelp at the cold deluge. Dash helps me scramble up, grabbing his jacket and holding it over our heads. “This way!” he yells, and we race for the boathouse.

He hits a security code then flings open the door. We rush inside, and he slams the door behind us.

I catch my breath. Of course, the Dashford boathouse is more comfortable than half the scuzzy Brooklyn apartments I’ve lived in. A powerboat is parked up on risers, and there’s equipment neatly stacked along one wall, with various cushions and sails folded in one corner.

And Dash, just inches away, watching me with a look in his eyes that takes my breath away.

“You were saying something about getting wet…” he says with a dangerous smirk.

My breath catches.

“I wouldn’t be chivalrous if I didn’t… Help you with that.” He backs me up against the wall, skimming his hands over my dress.

Oh fuck. Every nerve I have is on fire, and I’m surprised my legs are still functioning.

Dash dips his head, lips barely brushing my skin. His hand slips up to cup my breast, his thumb brushing the sensitive tip though my damp gown. I arch into his touch, desperate for more, and he slips the straps from my shoulders.

The silk crumples around my waist, baring my breasts. He hisses an inhale.

“God, Callie, look at you.”

He bends his head, and licks over the swell of one breast. I moan as his tongue flicks against one stiff nipple. Then he takes it into his mouth and sucks, and I just about lose my mind.

If I was wet before, I’m drenched now.

“This isn’t helping, you know,” I manage to gasp.

He chuckles. “Patience…”
