Page 25 of Ruin the Friendship

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“She won’t stop until you open the door.”

I know she’s right and before my sister can cause even more of a scene in the hallway, I detangle Ashley from me and get out of bed, grabbing the robe off the back of the chair as I go.

“What do you want,” I whisper yell as I open the door, my sister’s eyes widening as she lowers her fist, the one I know she was about to crash against my door. “It’s so fucking early Kels, we literally just went to bed.” It’s the truth and something I didn’t know if I wanted my sister to know, but if it gets her to leave us alone, then fantastic.

“You guys fucking into the night has no bearing on my plans. I don’t care what you do anyway, I’m here for my best friend.” I groan as she sideswipes me, running and jumping in the bed as Ashley hurries to cover herself.

“What about Mike?” Ashley asks, her eyes pleading that my sister hasn’t thrown him aside yet. But when Kelsey gives us both that sly smile, I already know the poor guy has been dumped.

“Come on Ash, the guy lives on a boat for six months out of the year, that would never work.” I know my sister didn’t mean anything by that statement but the second it’s out of her mouth, I see the panic and uncertainty cross Ashley’s features. My being on this boat will be the biggest hurdle we face and something I didn’t want to talk about today knowing it would ruin the mood. “Shit,” Kelsey says as the realization of what she just said hits her. “I mean it wouldn’t work for us. You know me, if a guy isn’t in front of me twenty-four seven then I’ll forget he exists.” It’s a nice try, but the look on Ashley’s face doesn’t fade and I silently curse the contract I signed months ago.

“It’s okay,” Ashley whispers, her voice cracking as our eyes connect. I try and convey that even with me being away from her these next few months, it doesn’t diminish the way I feel about her. Not in the least.

“Are you okay with us hanging out today?” my sister asks, her voice low and unsure, her eyes slicing between the two of us. “I know you guys probably want to be alone, but it’s our last day on the ship and since we didn’t spend time a lot of time together yesterday I wanted to make sure we had some best friend time.” I feel for my sister, hating the fact that they went through what they went through yesterday but also knowing they’re stronger than any fight they have.

“Yeah, that’s okay,” I say, Ashley’s eyes meeting mine and I smile, wanting that sliver of sadness to leave her face. “I have to open the shop today, but I can meet you for lunch?” I offer, her eyes softening at the suggestion.

“As long as it’s not at the pub again, then fine. I’m sick of you always eating there.” Kelsey mutters and I roll my eyes, loving the knowing smile that plays on the edge of Ashley’s lips.

“Deal. Come find me when you’re hungry and we’ll go somewhere,” I say before picking up some clothes from my suitcase and heading into the bathroom where I shut the door. Not even two seconds later the door opens and Ashley walks in, her smile contagious.

“I didn’t want to leave before saying goodbye,” she whispers, taking my lips with hers, devouring me and showing me exactly what I’m going to miss by working this morning. My fingers grip her hips, pulling her flush against me so she can feel just how much I love the taste of her. “I’ll see you at lunch,” I mutter, taking her bottom lip between my teeth, causing her body to melt further into my chest.

“Tonight it’s just you and me, right?” she asks, her eyes pleading, and I nod, kissing her roughly prior to opening the door and pushing her out.

“Have a good time and keep my sister out of trouble, will you?” She smiles, chuckling softly to herself and I hear my sister loudly sigh in the background.

“Like you care!” I smile, winking at my girl before shutting the door and leaning back against it. It’s only taken me a few days, but I know Ashley is it for me. That woman is everything I want and need in my life, and I will do just about anything to protect it.

* * *

“What’s got that look on your face?” Reggie asks as he walks into my office as I stare at my computer screen. The one I’ve been staring at for what feels like hours because I’m trying to figure out how to make my relationship with Ashley work with me being gone for another five months.

“Nothing,” I mutter, clicking out of my email and looking down at our appointments for the day. It’s a slow one, thank god, but I do expect a few walk-ins since it’s the last full day on the ship and a lot of people will be looking to get last-minute tattoos.

“Spill it, kid.” I sigh, getting it all off my chest as I explain my fears, Ashley’s fears, and my inability to figure out a way to make it all work. “You never will,” he says with a straight face, causing my body to lock and my eyes to widen.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you will never make it work one hundred percent. It’s going to be hard and nothing about the next five months is going to be simple.” I crumple back into the chair, feeling defeated. “You love her, don’t you?” he asks, his eyes searching mine. I don’t answer because honestly, I don’t know if what I’m feeling is lust as opposed to love but Reggie smiles. “Yeah, you love her. Just be honest with her, tell her your plan, what you want from the next few months, and how you’re going to make it easier on both of you.”

“What about us? This place?” I ask, looking around and realizing that living on a boat is not what I want to do for the rest of my life. And when I look at Reg, I can see the same sentiment reflected back.

“I did this for you. I couldn’t care less where I am as long as I get to create art and allow people to express themselves through tattooing. That’s all I ever want. You’re the one that wanted to be away from your life for six months, you’re the one that was running away from your feelings.” I quirk a brow.

“Running away from my feelings? How so?” Reggie finally takes a seat in the chair opposite me and looks me in the eye.

“You’ve been in love with this girl for longer than you want to admit. And that’s fine. You don’t need to admit it out loud, but you begging your sister to bring her along was enough of a sign for me that you were ready to move past this nomad lifestyle you were so set on creating for yourself.” Huh, I never thought of it that way. “I’m proud of you kid. I’m proud that you’re going after what you want but I need you to remember that she’s not something to toy with. That girl has real feelings for you, I can see it every time she looks at you, so be careful how you proceed.” I know he’s right. I know it and yet I still have no idea how to fix it.

“How do we make it work? I’m gone and she lives in California? Everything about our situation is a mess.” Reggie smiles, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest.

“Like I said before, be honest with her. Tell her about your fears, just communicate with her.” He makes it seem so simple. Yet in the back of my mind, I know it’s the opposite.



“So, what did you and my sister do all day?” Kacey asks, his lips lazily trailing up and down my throat causing my back to arch and my body to hum in approval. He’s already taken me twice since he dragged me away from Kelsey, telling her she’s monopolized enough of my time, and yet here I lay, ready for round three.
