Page 19 of Cursed Pack

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After Griffin left, I tried to explain to Cassian that nothing happened. In response, he stalked to the TV and turned it on. I retreated to my room to draw. It had been hours now and Cassian remained in the other room. I was irritated at how childish Cassian was acting. It was ridiculous, and I wanted to yell at him. Spending some time apart would hopefully help alleviate some tension.

I received a message from Griffin letting us know he was there. His location was just over two hours away.

I padded to the front room to show Cassian. He simply showed me the same message on his phone.

"Cass, nothing happened," I tried again.

"You've said that already," Cassian mumbled.

The irritation from earlier raised its head again, “You’re being an asshole. I’ve never given you any reason to doubt me and yet, here you are, doubting me!”

Cassian glanced at me and sighed heavily, but he didn’t respond. I needed him to speak to me, otherwise I would think about everything—Griffin near his bloodthirsty pack, the fact that we hadn’t found out anything more about my mom or Samara—and that would drive me insane.

“I watched him change last night, and I could see the pain that you all go through every night. This morning, he carried me to bed because I fell asleep in the basement. And I hugged him because I felt horrible after the change and he was about to leave. I had to say goodbye.” I sighed quietly.

Cassian stared at me for a few minutes. “You watched him change?”

“I needed to know.” I knew I had nothing to apologize for, even though Griffin almost kissed me and I wanted him to. We didn’t do anything, and I was frustrated at Cassian’s reaction.. “There’s no reason for you to be this upset. We aren’t dating, and I say again, nothing happened. You’re overreacting.”

I regretted it as soon as I said it. “I’m aware that we aren’t dating, Emily. And excuse me for feeling a little upset at seeing my mate in another werewolf’s arms, especially one without a shirt.”

Cassian shook his head and peered at his phone which had buzzed loudly. “Whatever, just grab your things, Grace knows a witch who was friends with your mother.”

I straightened at that. “My real mother? Asena?”

“Yes, we’re meeting her in an hour.”

I showered and dressed in record time, grabbed my bag and joined Cassian at the door. I felt bad for what I had said earlier, but I couldn’t help feeling frustrated every time Cassian bossed me around. As much as I felt confused about Griffin and the feelings that I struggled with there, Cassian was my best friend, and I hated being in a bad place with him.

He led me to his car, opened the door and then climbed in silently next to me. He started the engine and I placed my hand over his on the gear shift.

“I’m sorry about what I said earlier. I don’t want it to be tense between us and I know this whole mating bond thing is complicated, but I promise nothing happened,” I assured him quietly. “I wouldn’t hurt you like that.”

Cassian sighed. “I know you wouldn’t, and I know you aren’t ready to talk about us yet, but when I found out that you were my mate, I felt relieved. I never made a move before because I knew finding a mate was inevitable for me. I didn’t want to offer something I couldn’t give and hurt you. When I found out it was you, it felt like fate.” He went quiet and I could see his mind working. “I didn’t want to press you because your world was turned upside down, and then the trip and kidnapping happened, and after that it felt like it was never the right time. Seeing you with Griffin… I hate it.”

He looked so vulnerable, my heart squeezed. Cassian was always this big, strong, funny guy that went out of his way to protect everyone around him. His dark hair fell across his face covering his eyes, and his shoulders slouched under an invisible weight.

“The only reason I haven’t been ready to speak about it is because it seems like such a massive deal. Like this huge commitment and we’ve never even dated. It just feels like a big step…” I said softly. “Maybe if you told me more about it, I would understand.”

Cassian’s gaze lifted to my face, hope glinted in his eyes. “It is a big deal, Em. I know our situation is different because you have two mates, but I can try and explain it. Every werewolf is destined to find a mate for life. We don’t know when we will meet our mates, but when it happens, it’s an intense feeling. It’s different for you since you’re part wolf and witch, but for me at least, the intensity is there.” He sighed deeply. “The bond ties two werewolves together, and your mate is equal to you in every way.”

“So it doesn’t mean that I’m submissive to you?” I asked hesitantly.

Cassian frowned. “Not at all. Being an alpha doesn’t mean that I can boss you around. You and I will lead the pack together.”

“But what if your pack doesn’t want me? Werewolves don’t like witches after all, I can’t imagine that they would be too happy about one leading the pack.”

“They don’t get a say—no one chooses their mate. It’s destiny,” Cassian said, sounding a little brighter. “I don’t expect you to choose between Griffin and me, especially since we have no idea how a double bond works and what the consequences are if you reject one of us. I would just like the chance to show you that we are good together. That you can trust me to be your best friend and your partner.”

I thought about that for a moment. It felt like I was standing on a bridge, and if I took a step over, there was no turning back. As much as Griffin made me angry and confused, it didn’t feel right just turning my back on him either. “Let’s take it slow. I promise I'll be a little more open minded.”

Cassian smiled, and it lit up his blue eyes which made my heart flip. “Okay, I can live with that. Let’s introduce you to my pack.”

I took a deep breath to calm my now racing heart as Cassian pulled away. What if they all hate me? What if Grace doesn’t approve? My mind was running at a mile a minute and everything around us disappeared in a blur. Cassian put his hand on my knee—I hadn’t realized I was bouncing it up and down. If I wasn’t so nervous, I’d get lost in the warmth that spread from his hand up my thigh.

The drive felt far too short, and in minutes we stopped outside of a huge warehouse. Men and women milled around outside, and two or three children ran around chasing each other. It all looked so normal.
