Page 26 of Wolf Embraced

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Brian got up. “I’ll go get the others.”

"No! They won't approve—at least Lucian won’t. He won’t be excited about me reaching out to Cedric like this, especially after Rumir’s warning to stay away."

Again, Brian looked uncertain, so I approached him and took his hand. "But I fought Cedric, Brian. I fought him and held my ground. That counts as something. Trust me, I can do this. I just need to play his game and let him believe he’s won. Instead of searching for him, I’ll have him invite me to where he is. He wants me on his side, after all.”

“Oh, I've seen the shit you can do, and have no doubt you can do what you’re saying. But I'm afraid of what Cedric can do, too. And you'll be opening your mind to him, right?”

I grinned. “In a sense.”

He exhaled. “Okay. How are we going to do this?”

“It’ll be just me,” I said, sitting down. “I just need you to wake me if it seems like something’s wrong.”

He raised a brow. "How will I know when something's wrong? Will you start convulsing or bleeding from the nose?"

“Yeah, sure, that works.”

As I got comfortable on the sofa, with my arms by my side, I saw Brian’s eyes drift to my hand. He frowned at the sight of my discolored skin caused from all the chaos I’d consumed, and before he could say anything, I pulled my sleeve down.

“Remember,” I said, before he could change his mind about helping me. “Wake me if things seem off, okay?”

He nodded. “I will.”

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I was as concerned as Brian was about Cedric's strength, and worried that this might backfire, but it was worth trying. I'd fought Cedric, and he kicked my ass. But still, I'd put up a fight that had forced him to use our sire bond.

That told me that he couldn't win without it. We needed to exhaust all of our options, and this was definitely a good one. I only prayed it would finally give us the opening we needed.
