Page 72 of Wolf Embraced

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My heart was beating so fast that I felt like throwing up. I managed to hold it together though and watched while Ruby readied herself to give birth. Two years had passed in the Mortal Realm while only ten months had passed here. But Ruby was in labor.


I’d kept an eye on her throughout her pregnancy—the first pregnancy between a human/werewolf hybrid with two mates.

A mirror in Morana’s castle allowed me to see what was happening on earth and the Goddess had granted me the opportunity to be a part of this moment with her, Xavier and Axel. Nevertheless, Ruby’s screams of pain were a little terrifying. I felt like I was right there and on the verge of passing out, but I didn't look away, not once, as she gave birth to twins—a boy and girl.

They were the most beautiful babies I'd ever seen. The girl had red hair like Ruby, but it was curly, like Axel’s, and she had Axel’s hazel eyes. The boy had Xavier’s black hair, Axel’s brown complexion and Ruby’s green eyes.

They were stunning and unique little creations of beauty and the perfect blend of their parents.

“Oh, Ruby,” I whispered. “You did it.”

I listened in on their conversation until Ruby announced that their daughter’s name would be Natalie. I covered my mouth, as if afraid they’d hear my sobs.

I was touched and wished I could be there for Ruby in person. I wished I could hug her and tell her how proud I was of her, and that she was going to be an exceptional mother.

Her head fell to the side, her hair a mess, with strands sticking to the sweat on her forehead, and although her eyes were dazed, she was looking right at me.

"Natalie?" she said weakly.

I looked at Morana in shock. She waved her hand, the mirror's surface rippled, and Ruby vanished.

"She saw me?" I asked, and Morana nodded.

“She sensed your presence. But it's fine,” she replied. “It won’t trigger her memories because she’ll think you were a visiting ghost.”

Which I kind of was, I guessed. But I was so glad I could be there with her. She had been blessed with beautiful children, and I knew Xavier and Axel would be incredible fathers—protective fathers, but incredible nonetheless.

This was the ending they deserved, one of peace and happiness.

“A beautiful family indeed,” Morana said.

I thought of Rumir and Lucian, and what wonderful fathers they’d make. Then I looked again in the mirror. "Thank you for this, Morana.”

She touched my shoulder. "Of course. Now come on. The others are waiting, and we can add Ruby's safe delivery to the celebration."

The realm had finally recovered from the war, the cities were rebuilt, the monuments I suggested to be made in honor of the dead were complete, and everyone had gathered together for the first time since the war ended.

We had been busy, doing our part to help rebuild our home, but today, we were celebrating.

Morana and I went outside, where everyone was gathered in the meadow in front of her castle. There were several gazebos, a sitting area, and three tables covered with food, while the air was filled with music and laughter.

"Attention everyone!" I shouted, and all eyes fell on Morana and me. "Ruby just gave birth to beautiful, healthy twins!"

Cheers erupted, and Rehema held her glass up. “To Ruby!”

“To Ruby!” Brian shouted along with everyone there. Even Queen Nuada had come.

I tapped into the power I now considered mine and not just an extension of Tedara’s. She'd left me with enough chaos that my job at the S.R.F was even easier since now. I wasn't just an intuitive Enchanted helping new souls transition, but now, I was a goddess who could feel their emotions, and offer comfort if needed. Although I’d told Tedara I wanted to remain a normal wolf, she’d left me with a pinch of her power…and there was one other thing I could still do.

I bent down and laid a hand on the ground. Roots sprouted up from underground, covering the gazebos, chairs, and tables, and white flower buds grew on the roots and bloomed. They were the same flowers I'd created at the Nephilim Sister's castle, and everyone gasped when the flowers released their tiny balls of light.

“Show off,” Zeus grumbled, and Heldon jabbed him with his elbow.
