Page 73 of Wolf Embraced

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Everyone laughed because they now knew that although Zeus was a pain in the ass, he was a good guy.

Morana joined everyone, and I remained to the side, watching my family.

Everyone here was family in my eyes—wolves and others. They were the people I’d fought for, and the ones who’d fought for me. I spotted Lucian, Rumir, and Brian having a very animated debate of some kind until Rehema joined them and stole Brian away. I watched while she snaked her arms around Brian's waist, and he kissed her forehead.

They were such an adorable couple, and Eir and Itsuki watched them with pride. Elinor and Will were on the other side of the gathering, doing the same thing. This was the perfect display of union between the species, of not just living and tolerating each other but being together in every sense.

"Natalie," a familiar voice called from behind me, and Fate pulled up at my side.

“Hi, Fate,” I greeted her. “You’re late.”

She nodded. "Yes, sorry about that, but can I speak to you privately for a second? It's important."

I nodded and found Rumir and Lucian watching us. Of course, they were. Immediately after the war, they rarely let me out of their sight. Thankfully, they didn't crowd me as much now, although they still kept a watchful eye.

I wasn't sure what they were worried about. The war was over, Tedara was gone, and there was peace. She’d told Time not to look for her and Time told Zeus all would be fine if she was left alone. She was out there, somewhere, in this realm or another, but at least she was free.

Fate and I walked away.

"Please tell me there isn't another war coming," I pleaded. "Please."

"No, no…. I have good news, actually,” she said with a smile, once we were far away from the others. “You’re pregnant.”

My face dropped, as did my gut. “What?”

“I saw it just now,” she explained. “That’s why I was late. I thought you should know.”

I turned away, trying to process what she had just said. Pregnant? Me?

I felt queasy suddenly, and it dawned on me that for a few days now, I felt nauseous in the mornings. The guys and I had agreed to tour the realms like we initially planned before the war happened. We'd seen it all during the war, but now, we'd enjoy the realm together under better circumstances, once the cities were rebuilt and brand new.

There was more to see and explore.

Laying a hand on my belly, I tried to sense a life inside me, but I got nothing.

"Are you sure?" I questioned Fate, and she nodded.

"Yes, but you're in the very early stages right now—a few days perhaps." She looked towards the others. "I wanted to speak to you now because, as you know, your union with your mates is a unique one."

"Do you think the baby might be at risk?" I asked warily.

She shook her head. “Doubtful,” she replied. “Not impossible but doubtful.”

I remembered Ruby’s screams from earlier and held my head. “I’m not ready. I mean, I haven’t spent a lot of time around kids. I’m not sure I’m ready to push a baby out, Fate. I just saw someone do that, and it was…traumatizing, beautiful but traumatizing.”

"Ready or not, you will have to," she said, and I gave her a dead look.

“You know, you need to work on your counseling skills, Fate.” My head was throbbing now as I tried to picture myself waddling around with a protruding belly.

Of course, I wanted a family with Rumir and Lucian, but now that I was pregnant, I needed to think about the future seriously. Fate was right. No one knew how my pregnancy would turn out. If I was having a werewolf baby, there wouldn’t likely be any complications. But if I was pregnant with Rumir’s child? That was another story.

I bit my lip when I realized I didn't know who the father was! It was clearly Lucian or Rumir, but this felt stranger than I thought it would. How were they going to react?

“Hey—” Fate took my arm. “You have so many people who will help you through this. You have nothing to worry about. Your mother-in-law is Morana, your sister-in-law in the Dragon Queen, and your best friend is the daughter of the goddess of healing. So stop worrying. You and your baby will be the most cared for and protected beings in the entire realm. Believe that to be true."

“Baby?” Rumir appeared out of nowhere, followed by Lucian.

They were equally pale, and I took a breath. I’d been so preoccupied, I hadn't sensed their approach, and they’d overheard everything.
