Page 74 of Wolf Embraced

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“Ah, yeah.” I pointed at Fate. “Fate just gave me the news. She saw it before she arrived.” I laughed awkwardly. “I’m p-pregnant.”

This wasn’t how I saw my first pregnancy going! Or even how it would be announced!

Neither Rumir nor Lucian said anything, and I started to panic.

Then Lucian picked me up and swung me around.

“I’m going to be a father! I can’t believe it!” he exclaimed. Then Rumir took my arm and pulled me to him.

“She didn’t say whose baby it is.” Rumir looked down at me with a love strong enough to crush a Florkin. “The child might be mine.”

"Or it could belong to both of you," Fate interjected, and we all stared at her. "What? Yes, that's possible. Ruby just gave birth to twins who have characteristics of both fathers.”

“You know….” Rumir grinned. “That makes sense. Why just last night….”

I stabbed him with my elbow, and Fate laughed and excused herself. They were taking this far better than I had. Then I wondered…if Fate had seen the pregnancy, could she tell us who the father was?

"Fate," I called.

She waved her hand.

“I don’t know who the father is,” she said. “You’ll have to wait and see.”

"Is she lying?" I asked the guys, and they nodded yes.

“It doesn’t matter.” Rumir laid a hand on my belly. “We’ll both be this child's father, and you're going to be an incredible mom. Don't look so worried. We could feel how scared you were just now. That's why we came over.”

"He’s right." Lucian kissed my temple. "We're in this together, remember? You told us that."

Now I felt foolish. For the briefest moment, I'd forgotten that I was blessed with these two amazing men as my mates. It really didn't matter who the father was; if I had a dragon, a god, or a werewolf hybrid baby, it would be perfect. He or she would be delivered into this world safely and have the most incredible people to call a family.

“You’re going to be amazing fathers.” I took Rumir’s hand, and his smile faltered a little. I knew he was thinking about his own parent…but I know he wouldn't be anything like Cedric. "The absolute best fathers, both of you. I’ll admit, I was a little scared just now, but we've faced down worse things than a little eating, pooping mini-us, right?”

Lucian pulled a face. "When you say it like that, we really haven't…if the baby has this one's temper." He pointed at Rumir, who growled.

“You might regret saying that when the kid freezes Natalie’s nipples.”

I didn't like that visual, and Lucian laughed. “Should we announce it?” he asked, and while we were in the very earlier stages, he looked like a child who was so excited, that he couldn’t wait. And so did Rumir.

Today, with everyone here, was the perfect day to make such an announcement. Who knew how fast or slow this pregnancy would be. Ruby’s pregnancy had been strange, but she’d still carried her twins for nine months. But my child was going to be a bit more complex, and it was frightening to think of. There was no point in hiding it, though, not when others would be able to tell in a week or so when they sensed the child in me.

I was surrounded by gods, after all.

We'd have to start preparing right away. But today, we were going to celebrate. I was pregnant, I said to myself, and this time I opened myself up to the wonderful truth that life was forming inside me.

"Sure, why not," I said, and we hurried back to the others.

"Attention, everyone!" Rumir’s voice easily traveled through the meadow, and the music stopped.

"We have an announcement to make!" Lucian added, and I held both their hands.

I licked my lips, and Lucian and Rumir squeezed my hand reassuringly. Fate was standing beside Morana, and she nodded. It was crazy how much life could change in a matter of minutes.

"There's a hybrid baby on the way," I said in a low voice. But I didn't need to speak any louder. Everyone had heard, and they lost it!

Screams of excitement filled the meadow, and Rehema, Elinor, Yelena, and the Sisters came rushing my way, followed by Morana and everyone else. Rumir, Lucian, and I were showered with congratulations and well-wishes.

Yelena hugged Rumir to congratulate him—their bond was such a beautiful sight. With Yelena now on the throne as Dragon Queen, Rumir visited Aerilon more often. He was the closest he’d ever been to his dragon roots, and he loved it.
