Page 75 of Wolf Embraced

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Now that I was pregnant, I wanted our baby to be familiar with every aspect of its fathers’ lives.

The Goddess hugged Rumir, and then turned to Lucian and hugged him, too. While she and her first white wolf weren’t openly affectionate most of the time, I knew the bond they had was like no other. He might not be her son by birth, but he was her son in all the ways that mattered.

This was my family and I was excited to welcome a child into it. When I heard a voice on the wind that I hadn't heard in a while, I sucked in my breath.

"Congratulations," the voice whispered in my ear before disappearing in the breeze.

I felt tears spring to my eyes. “Thank you,” I muttered under my breath. “Tedara.”

* * *

Five Months Later

Everyone was running around like headless chickens, and I was the one in labor! Three months into my pregnancy, the guys and I agreed to have the baby here, in the Dragon Territory. There was something calming about this place; I needed that right now. A few weeks into my pregnancy, we learned I wasn't having an average child. The first clue was when I threw up, and bubbles came out.

Cedric was gone but Yelena was doing an incredible job. The territory had the same comforting energy as before, but everything else about it was better. It was the perfect place for me to stay while I went through this, and the guys agreed.

Yelena and Armen were more than happy to accommodate me, and after arriving, my insane cravings, morning sickness, and swelling lessened.

Now, five months in, the baby was coming, and I felt like I was going to split in two.

Everyone was here—Morana, Hekate, Rehema, Elinor, and Yelena, who'd been my doctor since I got here. She'd helped countless dragons give birth; I knew that was because her mother had died during childbirth.

The guys were outside the room, but I had to sever my connection to them, or their panic would make mine worse. When another contraction hit, I screamed, and the entire castle shook.

I gritted my teeth and clawed at the mattress, and Eir teleported into the room.

“I’m here!” She took my hand. “I’m here.”

Rehema was holding my other hand, although I felt I was crushing hers, but the pain started to subside now that I had support from both of them. My face was drenched in tears, my body soaked in sweat, and everyone else at the end of the bed was trying to teach me to breathe as if I'd forgotten how!

“Yelena!” I called.

“I’m here.” She dipped between my legs and reappeared in seconds. “Yup, she’s ready. Help her stand.”

Eir and Rehema helped me up, my arms and legs trembling, but then another contraction started. Although the pain was less this time, my chaos reacted, causing the lights to flicker, objects to fall over, and somewhere outside the room, someone screamed.

A statue had even been randomly animated when my contractions had started over two hours ago.

“I’ll see what happened.” Hekate left, and Morana and Elinor held hands, trying not to look worried…and failing.

I closed my eyes, stood wide apart, and bent my knees. Yelena said this was the best position, but I worried that the baby would fall out and land on its head.

Yelena stooped down in front of me, and Morana moved to stand behind me as my support.

Yelena looked up. “Push.”

I pushed, screamed, and cried, doing all three at once. This continued for fifteen minutes until Yelena instructed me to push as hard as possible, promising that it would be the last one. So I gave my all. I felt like I was dying, but Rehema and Eir immediately healed me.

Even if they hadn’t, my daughter’s cry was enough to give me peace.

I fell backward and was caught by Morana, who helped me back onto the bed. Eir and Yelena had their backs to me while they tended to the baby, and I started to worry. Why had the baby only cried once? Was something wrong with her?

“Where is she?” I called weakly. “Where’s my baby?”

The doors were thrown open, Rumir and Lucian barged in, followed by Hekate and Armen.

Yelena returned to the bed, holding a quiet child swaddled in blankets. When she put her in my arms, I wept. The second I saw my daughter, I was overcome by love for her. Rumir and Lucian approached the bed, both men looking absolutely petrified.
