Page 10 of These Defiant Souls

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“She’s Harleigh’s sister. She’s Chloe’s friend, Z. We can’t just cut her out.”

“She doesn’t belong here.”

“Has it ever occurred to you that maybe she doesn’t belong there either?”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing, forget it.” He slouched down in his chair and blew out a long breath. “I’m just saying that her life might not be all sunshine and roses either.”

“Yeah, well it’s a damn sight easier than mine.” I got up, blood rushing to my head. Shit, I’d drunk more than I thought.

“Where are you going?”

“To take a piss.” I stalked off toward the tree line, slipping into the shadows to find somewhere quiet.

Nix’s words bothered me.

What the fuck could Celeste have to complain about? She had the entire world at her feet thanks to her parents’ wealth and status. They were two of the richest people in Hudson Valley. And she turned up here like she was one of us. Trying to escape her prim and perfect life.


After I was done, I staggered back to the party, drawing up short when I found her through the sea of people. Her blonde wavy hair taunted me, like a beacon in the night, as she lifted her arms high in the air, weaving them together. She laughed at something Chloe said, her whole face lighting up with joy.

It left a sour taste in my mouth.

I was about to make my way back over to Nix and Kye when someone approached her. Celeste smiled politely at him as he got all up in her space. But the guy—some asshole from our class—was persistent.

Before I could stop myself, I stormed over to them.

“Oh hey, man.” He gave me a goofy grin. “I was just telling Blondie here that she’s a long way from home.”

“It’s barely four miles, asshole. And I told you, I’m not interested.”

“Now don’t be shy, Blondie. We’re all friends.” He chuckled, moving closer to her. “I’ll show you around, introduce you to some people.”

“Get lost, Darren. She said she’s not interested.”

“Fuck off, Washington. I’m talking to the rich bitch.”

“Take a walk, Daz,” I said a little more forcefully.

“Ah, come on, man. Don’t be like that. She’s fair game.” He started reaching for her. “Look at her, she’s—”

Anger exploded from deep inside me and I shoved myself between them, glaring at him. “She said she’s not interested, asshole.”

“Yeah, yeah, okay.” He flicked his gaze over my shoulder to Celeste and a low growl rumbled in my chest.

Darren stalked off, melting into the bodies. A few kids watched us, but most people were too high or wasted to notice.

“We had it handled, Zane.” Chloe pinned me with an irritated look.

“Clo.” Harleigh shook her head before turning her attention on me. “You good?”

“Darren Wellerman is an asshole.”

“Maybe we should go,” she said.

“You think?” My brow lifted. Harleigh should have sent Celeste packing the second she arrived.
