Page 135 of These Defiant Souls

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Zane dancing. Now there was something I didn’t think I’d ever get to see. But he did it.

He did it for me.

To give me one perfect night.

The look on my classmates’ faces had been priceless as the seven of us had danced, soaking up everything Winter Formal at DA had to offer. I’d seen a few of them on their phones, snapping photos and texting their friends and families no doubt. I half-expected Mom to start blowing up my phone any minute because hot gossip traveled that freaking fast in Old Darling Hill.

But I didn’t care if she found out. Just like I didn’t care what my dad had to say about it. Who I dated—who I gave my heart to—was my decision, and mine alone.

I pressed my face against the glass window again, trying to figure out our destination.

“It won’t matter,” Zane whispered against my ear, his hand still resting on my thigh. “You’ll never figure it out.”

“We’ve been in the car for about eleven minutes, traveling on average twenty-five to thirty miles an hour. That means we’ve probably traveled around five miles. A five-mile radius with the school at the epicenter would put—”

“Who are you right now?” Zane gawked at me.

Heat crept into my cheeks. “What?”

“Better brush up your skills, Z, if you’re going to keep up with Little Miss Genius over there.” Kye snorted, and Zane flipped him off.

“I like numbers.” I shrugged. “And words. And problem solving.”

“I think it’s cute,” Chloe said.

“Hey, at least she can help you with your homework,” Kye added.

Zane grumbled something under his breath, a scowl painted on his face as he sank back against the bench seat.

I leaned over him, hovering my mouth over his. “Ignore them.”

“Easier said than done, Einstein.” His mouth twitched, his eyes darkening with lust. “Fuck, I want you.”

“I’m yours.”

“You mean that?”

I nodded, my mouth dry, my heart crashing wildly in my chest.

“Hey, lovebirds,” someone called, breaking the spell we were under. “We’re here.”

“Thank fuck,” he breathed. “Come on, I need to get you alone.”

* * *

I’d been to Nate Miller’s house a couple of times before with Harleigh. But I never expected to be standing here after Winter Formal with Zane beside me.

“This wasn’t quite what I was expecting,” I murmured as Zane took my hand and tugged me toward the door.

“His family are away for the weekend, so we have the place to ourselves.”

Except, we weren’t alone, because Harleigh, Chloe, and the guys were all here.

Noticing my expression, Zane squeezed my hand. “Trust me, okay?”

I nodded, because what else could I do? Despite wanting to be alone with him—and Ireallywanted to be alone with him—I was still excited to be here together with our friends. It didn’t feel weird or awkward. In fact, being with Zane was as easy as breathing.

Nate jumped in front of us all, producing a key from his wallet and a baggie of weed. “Welcome to the after-party.” He opened the door and we all filed in, Zane’s hand on the small of my back as we walked down the hall.
