Page 20 of These Defiant Souls

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I’d been at this school for four years and not one single person greeted me as I made my way inside.Lucky, they said when they looked my way and whispered. My parents were so rich. I had such an impressive GPA. I was so smart. Going places just like my mother and father.

But I didn’t feel so lucky.

Their comments didn’t make my chest swell with pride.

They left me hollow.


And desperately lonely.

* * *

“Miles, there you—” The words died in my throat as I watched Marcy Gerard say something to him. He smiled down at her in a way I knew all too well.

Miles liked her.

My stomach sank as I stood there, rooted to the spot, prying on their conversation. I could barely hear them, but I didn’t need to. It was obvious she was asking him out. Even more obvious that he was going to say yes.

I ducked out of the cafeteria and into the hall. I might not have wanted to be with Miles romantically, but I didn’t want to see him with another girl so soon after our breakup.

Pulling out my cell phone, I sent our group chat a quick message.

Me: I’m freaking out. I just saw Miles and a girl in our class looking very cozy.

Chloe: How cozy are we talking? Making out? Hooking up?

Me: No, they were only talking, but I’m pretty sure she asked him out.

Chloe: Well, you don’t want to be with him like that, right? So I guess you can’t blame a guy for moving on. But it’s a bit of a dickish move after he tried to persuade you to give him another chance. Maybe he’s trying to make you jealous…

Me: Maybe. And I don’t want to be with him. But he’s still my best friend.

And that was the kicker. I’d thought we could go back to how things used to be. But we couldn’t.

Chloe: I’m free tonight if you want to go out? Take your mind off him?

Me: Actually, that sounds kind of perfect. Thanks.

Chloe: Awesome, I’ll text you later.

I felt marginally better when I pocketed my cell phone. Chloe had that way about her. Until I realized that Harleigh hadn’t bothered to reply.

Deciding to avoid the cafeteria, I opted for the coffee shop instead. But of course, the universe wasn’t done screwing with me and the second I turned the corner, Miles called my name.

“Celeste, wait up.”

My heart catapulted into my throat. I didn’t want to do this, not here. But in true Celeste Rowe style, I pasted on a smile and whirled around to greet him.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“I was hoping to talk to you.”

“You were?” I played dumb.

“Yeah, uh… well, this is a little bit weird, but Marcy Gerard just asked me to Winter Formal.” He gave me a strained smile.

“She did, wow. I don’t—”
