Page 27 of These Defiant Souls

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“Who was that?” Kye was barely standing, his eyes two thin slits, bloodshot from all the weed.

“I need to borrow your mom’s car.”

“The fuck?” he slurred.


“Shit, she in trouble?”

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll handle it.”

“Thanks, man. I think I need to lie down.”

“Good plan. You think you can make it to your bedroom?”

“Sure, man.” He moved sluggishly, using the wall to prop him up as he made his way down the hall toward his room.

I grabbed his mom’s car keys off the sideboard and checked in on him. But Kye was already face down on the bed, snoring.

I hit his light switch, plunging the room into darkness and got the hell out of there.


The room was spinning.

Or I was spinning.

Either way, something was spinning, and I didn’t feel so good.

I didn’t feel—

“Celeste.” Fingers snapped in front of my eyes. “Look at me.”

“Clo Clo.” I grinned but my face felt funny. “You’re my friend. One of my ooooonly friends.”

“Seriously, Clover,” Chloe’s friend glowered at me, and I hiccoughed.

“Two. I can see twoooo of you Maddog.”

“It’s Maddox.”

“That’s what I said, Maddog.”

Jesus,” he mumbled.

“I think I drank too much.” I hiccoughed again.

“You think?” Chloe chuckled. “At least Zane is on his way.”

“Z-Zane?” The air whooshed from my lungs. “No. Noooo. No. No. He can’t see… me… like this.”

“Kye couldn’t come. My douchebag brother got too high to drive. So we’re stuck with Zane, sorry.”

This was the worst day ever.

First, I’d seen Miles with Marcy.

Then I’d overheard Marcy and her friends in the bathroom. Then Miles had acted like he’d all but forgotten about me. Throw in lots and lots of vodka, the room spinning, the wave of nausea rolling through me, and it was the perfect recipe for a pretty shitty day.
