Page 82 of These Defiant Souls

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Before I could text her back, she sent another message.

Einstein: Although I’m surprised you care. Unless…

Me: Go on.

Einstein: Unless your grandma put you up to this.


This girl.

This fucking girl.

Einstein: She did, didn’t she?

Me: Does it matter?

Einstein: No, I guess not.

Me: What are you up to?


Why the fuck did I ask her that?

It didn’t matter though because she didn’t reply.

Celeste didn’t reply and she left me sitting there, clutching my phone, willing it to vibrate like a fool.

It was all Grams’ fault. Acting like I should care about Celeste. Reminding me what a good, kind soul she was.

She wasn’t good, she was a nuisance. An interfering, busybody who had nothing better to do than stick her nose where it didn’t belong.

My cell bleeped again, and I smirked. I knew she wouldn’t be able to resist replying now she had my message.

But when I opened the text, it was Chloe, not Celeste.

Chloe: Kye mentioned Grams isn’t doing so good… you know I’m always here for you both too, right?

A lump clogged my throat.

Me: Yeah, Clo, I know.

But nobody could help me raise the money she needed. I would never ask that of my friends.

No, that fell squarely on my shoulders. And I needed to figure out something.


* * *

After I made sure Grams was okay, I ended up at Buster’s to burn off some steam.

I hadn’t invited Nix and Kye. I needed some time to think, to weigh up my limited options. Grams needed that treatment, so I needed to find a way to raise some cash. I’d already spoken to Morris, the shift manager at the mill, and he’d offered me a few extra hours here and there, but it wasn’t permanent, and it wasn’t guaranteed. If the orders dried up, the work did too.

I hit the bag harder, grunting as my knuckles cracked, sending a lick of pain up my arm. Sweat trickled down my back but the exertion was good. It helped clear my head and focus. For those few minutes, it let me forget about the crushing weight of responsibility I carried on my shoulders.

Grams said it wasn’t my place to worry. But if I didn’t, who would?
