Page 93 of These Defiant Souls

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I cared.

Couldn’t he see that?

“Well, it was special to me,” I whispered.

Because I’d chosen it. For once in my life, I’d made a decision based on whatIwanted.

And yeah, maybe a small part of me wanted to rebel after the disastrous dinner party at the Sinclairs. But either way, I still wanted Zane.

His strangled laugh rumbled through me like a storm. “Go home, Celeste. And if you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay away next time.”

He stalked off toward the trees that flanked the perimeter of the reservoir.

“Zane, wait.” I hopped out of the back of the car and went after him. “We should talk about this. We should—”

He whirled on me so quickly that I lost my footing and tripped, landing on my hands and knees on the cold, dirty ground.

“Damn,” I hissed, the skin on my knee smarting.

Zane glared down at me, his eyes hazy but hard. Was he really that drunk? He hadn’t seemed that drunk when I’d first arrived, but he didn’t exactly give me a chance to ask.

“Zane, please…”

He shook his head a little, disgust curling at his lips and then took off into the shadows.

Taking another piece of my heart with him.

* * *

I didn’t go home.

I couldn’t.

After Zane left me there in the dirt, blood trickling from the scrape on my knee, I’d forced myself back in the car and driven to Nix’s place.

Harleigh took one look at me and breathed, “What the hell did he do?”

“I…” I glanced at Nix, and he held up his hands.

“I’ll leave you two to talk. If you need me, holler.” He disappeared down the hall, the door slamming was a sign that we were alone.

“You’re hurt.” Harleigh motioned to my knee, and I nodded, swallowing down the tears threatening to fall.

“Sit. I’ll get something to clean you up.” She went into the small kitchen and retrieved a first aid kit.

Part of me still couldn’t believe my father had bought this place for Nix and Jessa. Especially knowing that Harleigh would end up living here. But maybe it was his only way of showing her that he trusted her to make her own decisions and path in life.

He had never afforded me the same freedom.

It was different, I knew that. I’d grown up in his world, under his roof. He hadn’t had to earn my trust and adoration because it had been given freely—he was my father, after all. He had raised me and provided for me. It wasn’t until the truth about Harleigh came out and I discovered I had a sister that things really started to change.

That I started to realize that maybe it was okay to want more from life. To chase the hopes and dreams that would makemehappy instead of making the people around me happy.

“Here, let me have a look at it.” Harleigh grabbed a cushion off the couch and shoved it under her knees. “Want to tell me what happened?”

“Will you scold me like a naughty child and send me back across the res?”

She let out a heavy sigh, lifting her eyes to mine. “I know things have been weird between us—”
