Page 118 of Trust Me

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“If he’s found guilty, will we have time to see him before they take him away?” Brielle asks Jenson.

“Unfortunately, no. He’ll be taken straight to the state prison where he’ll remain an inmate.”

Brielle hugs Logan as she cries into his chest.

I want to cry, but I can’t. I have no tears left. “How will we know when the jury is back?” My stomach churns again as I ask Jenson this all-important question.

“I’ll call you and let you know,” he advises kindly.

“Can we see him now?” Killian asks as I look up with a glimmer of hope.

“I’m afraid that’s not possible. He’s in custody until the jurors return.”

This shit is doing my head in.

“Thank you, Jenson. For everything,” Callie expresses.

“Don’t thank me yet. This could go either way.” He exhales and walks off.

“Jenifer, why don’t you and Sarah come back home? That way we can all be together when Jenson calls,” Callie asks me kindly, and I nod. “Mike, take the girls and bring them back to the house.”

“Sure, Mrs. O’Connell,” Mike answers and leads us to the car.

Sarah’s looking out the car window as we pull up at the massive mansion. “This is one impressive place.” She lets out a small laugh.

I don’t take much notice and step out of the car. Honestly, I’m on autopilot. I’m not really sure if I’m even functioning correctly right now as Brielle answers the front door, and Sarah and I walk inside. I have my arms wrapped around myself, subconsciously trying to hold myself together as we walk through to the living room. I sit on one of the sofas and stare into the distance as I see my life fading away. Everyone’s talking while Nana brings in drinks and generally putters around while I contemplate my life without Aiden.

The day fades away slowly with no phone call. They say verdicts can take days to come back or only a couple of hours. I am hoping for the latter when I hear a phone ring in the distance.

“They’re back already. Is that good or bad?” Callie announces.

No one answers her question.

“C’mon, everyone, we have to get down there quickly,” Niall announces.

I stay on the sofa, sitting and watching everyone frantically trying to leave when Nana spots me. “Jeni, aren’t you coming?”

Panic ripples through me as I shake my head slowly. Everyone assesses me, stopping in their tracks as Sarah comes back to sit next to me. “Come on, you can do this,” Sarah urges, taking my hands in hers as I continue to shake my head, trying to keep my shit together. I’ve been fighting so hard to stay strong in front of everyone, but right now my cracks are showing in bright neon lighting.

“Darling, Aiden needs you there.”

My bottom lip starts to quiver as an overwhelming sense of anxiety floods my entire being. “I c-can’t,” I whisper.

“If the situation were reversed, wouldn’t you want him there? Even though it would be hard for him? Wouldn’t you want it?” Nana states quietly.

Swallowing hard, I take in what she’s saying. I have to be there—for him, for me. Good or bad, I need to know. I inhale and stand, finding the strength I thought I’d lost. Nana and Sarah both exhale with relief.

“We have to go, now,” Callie affirms, and I pull myself together one more time.

Whether Aiden fights his way through this or not, I’m going to be there for him.

I’ll always be there for him.

Because Aiden’s love for me is stronger than anything I’ve ever experienced, so I need to find the strength to face anything and everything right now, just like he would for me.

Every. Damn. Time.

We walk into the courtroom and take the same seats, mine behind the defense table so I can be close to Aiden. The prosecutor enters as do Aiden and Jenson, who sit in front of us.

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