Page 119 of Trust Me

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I lean forward. “I love you, no matter what,” I whisper to Aiden.

He exhales and nods as the bailiff enters and takes his usual spot in the courtroom. “All rise,” he announces as the judge walks in then sits behind his bench.

“Be seated. Please bring in the jury,” he instructs.

The jury is stoic, entering one by one into the courtroom. My heart races a million miles a minute. I almost feel as though I’m having a panic attack as my leg agitates, and I bite my bottom lip to stop it from quivering.

This is all happening so fast.

I thought I had more time!

Aiden and Jenson rise from their chairs.

“Will the jury foreperson please stand?”

A young woman stands in the jurors’ box, her face giving nothing away.

I am not ready!

“Has the jury reached a unanimous verdict?” the judge asks.

No, please Lord, say no!

“We have, Your Honor,” the young woman replies.

My heart rate spikes so much, my head feels foggy. My breaths are short and sharp as I realizethis is the moment my life continues, or it shatters into tiny fragments.

I stop breathing as my body shakes all over. A whooshing sound vibrates in my ears as I try my hardest not to fall apart right now. My body shakes so violently, I’m having trouble seeing straight as I watch her hand a piece of paper to the judge.

Oh God, oh God.

He reads it, nods, then hands it to the clerk.

I hold my breath even more as my entire body goes rigid.

“What say you?” the judge asks.

Bile rises in my throat as I grip onto Sarah’s hand so tight my fingers go numb.

“We, the jury, find the defendant, Aiden O’Connell, for the felony charges of embezzlement in the State of California… guilty,” the clerk reads out loud.

My hand shoots to my mouth as tears well in my eyes. My stomach lurches, swirling and twisting in anguish as a small sob escapes my mouth.


Ho-ly fuck.

Shock fills the room as everyone gasps in disbelief.

My head snaps to Aiden, his head hangs low in despair, and I can’t help the tears that flow from my eyes and start running down my cheeks in a fast torrent.

He turns to me. “I love you, Jeni.”

My hands instantly dart out to reach for him, tears streaming down my face. “I love you more.”

Aiden leans in taking my hands in his, and I relish in the skin-to-skin contact for the last time.

A policeman takes him into custody, pulling Aiden away from me, but Aiden doesn’t let go of my hand which draws me forward dramatically. The policeman yanks Aiden, and our hands are torn apart, making me mourn the loss of him instantly.
