Page 57 of Trust Me

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I wake to find I’m under the covers. Aiden’s holding me tightly from behind, his nose snuggled into my hair. My pussy aches but in that completely satisfying way. I’ve never felt like this, the sweet sensation taking my memory back to last night—his touch, his kiss—everything was perfect. I still feel the sensation of him inside me, and I want more. I turn to face Aiden, waking him. He looks so gorgeous with his hair disheveled, lying next to me, deliciously naked.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” I lie.

He rubs his face and blinks a few times. “Morning, beautiful.” He takes my face in his hands and kisses me gently. I grab hold of his biceps, those bulging, strong arms as I feel the throb in my clit becoming more noticeable. My need for him builds stronger and stronger until I can’t handle it anymore, so I shift my hand down to his large cock. It’s already semi-erect as I take him in my hand and slowly start to run my hand up and down his silky length.

He stops kissing me and raises his eyebrows. “You want more, Miss Taylor?”

“You have no idea,” I plead as I bring my lips back to his.

We’re panting, but I feel relaxed and completely sated like my body is as light as a feather, and I’m floating down from the heavens above. Aiden withdraws from me, and then he rolls onto his back, and I move onto my side facing him, moving my head to his chest. We lay here panting, in silence. His arm wraps around me as he begins to play with my hair. His lips kiss my forehead, and he finally speaks once we’re both able to function and are breathing normally again.

“I should’ve crashed into you sooner,” he jokes, making me laugh.

I prop myself up on my arm, but he grabs the back of my head, so my lips meet his. Still locked in a tender kiss, I quickly gaze at the alarm clock on his bedside table and pull back.

“Shit! It’s three o’clock,” I blurt out and move to get up.

Aiden pulls me back to him. “You have somewhere you need to be?” he asks curiously.

I shake my head. “No. It’s just the day’s almost over.”

“So?” He laughs.

I relax back into his arms. “Yeah… I guess you’re right.” There’s no need to be anywhere but here right now.

“Shower?” he asks.

“Sure, why the hell not?”

He kisses my forehead, then stands, taking my hand and leading me into the ensuite. The shower is large, big enough for two people. He opens the door, turns it on, and the steam rolls out filling the room and fogging the mirrors. He checks the temperature of the water and steps in taking me with him.

The water is deliciously hot as it cascades over my aching body. He holds me close. I move my head under the running water and let it wash over my face, so I can remove any leftover makeup. He never let’s go or shifts his eyes from mine. At this moment, I’m here, naked, in a shower with the hottest man on earth. He holds me in a tight embrace letting the liquid flow over us.

“Can I ask you a question?” He seems a little hesitant and tense.

“Of course, you can,” I reply, wondering what’s got him this way.

Aiden looks nervous but asks the question anyway. “Are you on the pill?” A serious look crosses his face.

A little giggle leaves me, but I love that he’s thought about this. “Yes, I am. No need to worry.”

His face relaxes. “Thank God! I’ve never done that before. Having sex without a condom, I mean,” he murmurs as he starts to kiss my skin.

“I feel safe with you. It’s probably a little reckless. Well, no, it was completely reckless on both of us, but I didn’t even think about protection. All I wanted was you,” I tell him honestly, only now thinking about the repercussions of unprotected sex.

His hands move from my waist to my ass, and he grips it roughly, pulling me forward. I love the way he firmly takes hold of me. My arms find their usual spot around his neck as my lips meet his. The feeling of hot water on my body is a sensory overload. We hold each other tightly and let the water cascade over us for as long as it takes while simply enjoy being close together.

“Jeni,” Aiden murmurs.


“You’re perfect.”

I look down, slightly embarrassed by what he’s said, but he quickly raises his hand to move my chin up so I’m looking at him.

“You are! You’re absolutely perfect.”

I half-smile and lean in to kiss him softly. “And you just may be my exception.”
