Page 32 of Love Me

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“I like your outfit.” He raises his eyebrows in appreciation.

“Yeah, thought you might.” I prance around the kitchen in only my panties.

Picking up our plates from the counter, he heads to the table and sits. I follow, taking my glass and topping it up with more wine. I eat our Chinese takeout while he eyes me suspiciously.

“Jeni, how much have you had to drink?”

“This is my third, I think. Why?”

He shrugs. “Just wondering. Maybe the wine added to the fact you thought someone was watching you?”

I frown. “I’m not drunk. I must’ve fallen asleep in the spa and dreamed it…” I roll my shoulders, a little annoyed by his line of questioning. “Changing the subject, your mom called today. We’re going there next Friday night for dinner to discuss your birthday.”

He rolls his eyes. “I don’t need a big birthday. It’s not even a milestone. I’m only twenty-nine. Save it for next year when I’m thirty.”

“Don’t think you’re getting out of it, Mr. O’Connell.”

“We can go out for dinner. I’d rather spend my birthday here making love with you in our spa, on the bed, on the sofa…” He grins mischievously making me blush.

“I’ll tell your mom we’ll be too busy having sex all over the apartment to bother celebrating your birthday with her. Shall I?” I ask jokingly.

He raises his eyebrows “Hmm… yeah, she’d love to hear that.”

Finishing our meals, we head to bed. I jump under the soft sheets while Aiden takes a shower. I lie under the warm duvet and wait for him as my mind wanders back to what happened in the spa. The thought crosses my mind that I didn’t imagine it and that perhaps someone was actually watching me. I turn on the sidelight for comfort and sit up in bed. Those pesky butterflies are swirling in my stomach again, and not in a good way. The shower turns off, and instantly I feel a little calmer knowing Aiden will be in here with me soon. My nerves have wreaked havoc with me today.

Aiden walks out of the ensuite naked, and he eyes me up and down. “Hmm, you’ve way too much clothing on.”

“But I’m only wearing panties?”

“My point exactly.” He leans over, tugging at my underwear.

I slide my panties off and throw them to the floor. “Better?”

He smirks and nods. “Much!”

He drops his body to the mattress, and I move my leg over, straddling him. He strokes my thighs, and I sit up resting my hands on his chest. He looks at me tracing circles up and down my thigh with one hand and makes his way up to my breast with the other.

He flips me over so I’m under him, and I squeal, his weight pinning me to the bed.

“I love you, Jeni, more than anything or anyone in the whole world. You’re my oxygen. I need you to live.” He pulls my face to meet his and bites my bottom lip gently. My hands grasp either side of his head, pulling his mouth to mine, and I lose myself in him.




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