Page 83 of Love Me

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“Sounds nice, I just want to call Brielle and let her know what’s happening with me first,” Callie informs, then she walks into the other room.

Aiden watches her leave, then his head snaps to Mike. “What’s going on with you and my mother?” Aiden whispers when Callie leaves.

Finally, it’s clicked.

Mike’s breathing escalates, and his eyes widen. “Nothing. We’re good friends.”

Aiden’s eyes squint. “Okaaay.” He’s completely unconvinced.

I start to laugh thinking about Aiden’s father.

Aiden looks at me raising his eyebrow. “What’s funny?”

“Your father’s going to have one hell of a hangover at work tomorrow.”

He chuckles. “Yeah, great. My father plus hangover equals mega asshole.” His tone is clearly sarcastic.

Mike laughs, and I smirk as Callie walks back in. “Brielle’s fine but upset that her father hurt her. You didn’t tell me he pushed her into the table, Aiden.”

“I didn’t want to upset you any more than you already are.”

“Thank you, honey, but I need to know these things. She’s at Killian’s. She’s going to stay there for a while until things settle down.”

Poor Bree, she must feel terrible knowing her father hurt her like that and has made no attempt to right the wrong.

“Is she working tomorrow?” I ask curiously.

Callie nods. “I think so.”

“I’ll have a chat with her and see if she’s all right.”

Callie slumps again in relief. “Thank you, honey. I’d appreciate that.” She yawns. “You know, it’s been a long day. Can we stay in for dinner? I haven’t had takeout in so long.”

Aiden smiles. “Sure, Mom. What do you feel like?”

“Something very unhealthy.”

“I know just the place,” Mike tells us.

“I’ll come with you, Mike.” I want to give Aiden and his mom some time alone.

Once we’re in the privacy of the car, I can’t help myself and ask, “When are you going to make your move on Callie, Mike?”

His eyes widen as he shoots his head around to look at me. “Miss Taylor, whatever are you implying?”

I smirk widely. “Oh, c’mon, I know what’s going on.”

“We’re great friends, always have been.” He starts the car.

“Ha! You want her. She wants you. What’s the hold up?”

He sighs. “Probably the fact that she’s been separated from her husband for less than twenty-four hours.”

“Really! I get that. But Mike… do you like her?”

A smile beams across his face. “Always have, Miss Taylor.”

I gnaw down on my bottom lip, so I don’t break out into some sort of excited giggle. They’re going to make such a gorgeous couple when they finally come together, that is. Even though Mike has a point, I can’t wait to see them together. I know he’ll do everything to make Callie happy unlike the asshole she is married to.
