Page 15 of Taking the Fight

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“And how do you plan on doing that?” I wondered.

“There’s a charity ball Friday night for the children’s hospital. I’m one of their biggest sponsors, and it’s pertinent for me to be there. I wanted to ask if you’d go with me.”

Words escaped me as I stared at him. I had no clue what to say. Finn nodded over at the bar. “Annika wants to invite your friend.”

Reluctantly, I glanced over at where Annika and Braden were sitting. Annika had a big smile on her face and constantly kept finding ways to touch Braden’s arm. If she asked him, I had no doubt he’d say yes.

Turning back to Finn, I tapped my glass lightly to his. “I’ll go. It turns out I have a lot of extra funds to donate to the hospital.”

Finn smiled. “There you go.”

After downing my champagne, I looked over at Annika and Braden again. It was going to be one hell of a long night.



Ididn’t want to walk away, not with Reagan alone with that cocksucker. The way he looked at her pissed me the fuck off. He wanted her.

“So tell me,” Annika murmured, rubbing her leg against mine, “how does it feel to be the hottest athlete in the country?”

Tearing my gaze away from Reagan, I clenched my fists underneath the bar. I didn’t give a shit about that list anymore. All I cared about was getting Reagan as far away from that fucking brother of hers as I could. I was a good judge of character and there was something up with him—and Annika, for that matter. There were too many red flags.

“Braden?” Annika called out.

I loosened my hands and took a deep breath. “It feels great,” I replied, tossing back my glass of bourbon.

Annika placed a hand on my arm. “Tell me about yourself. I know your parents are MMA royalty and your sister’s a Hollywood starlet. Is your dream to fight until you retire?”

The young lady behind the bar reached for my glass. “Want another?”

I nodded. “Yep.”

I thought the alcohol would help, but it only worsened my rage. I wanted a lot more but couldn’t be drunk while driving Reagan and Annika back. “So, you’re asking if it’s my dream to fight until I retire?” I repeated, thinking about the question. Then, turning to Annika, I shrugged. “For the most part. One day I’ll take over my dad’s share of Fightanium. I want to train new and upcoming fighters, maybe even coach my own kids one day, if I ever have any.”

Annika sipped on her raspberry martini and smiled. “I can totally see you having a son. He’ll be a heartbreaker just like you.” Annika was beautiful and I had no doubt she knew how to use that body of hers in bed, but she wasn’t what I wanted.

“What’s your story,” I asked her. “Why do you want to learn to fight?”

She shrugged. “In today’s time, it’s a good thing to know how to protect yourself. Especially being a woman.”

I agreed with her there. “Well, you seem to know what you’re doing. You’re a natural in the ring.”

Annika beamed. “Thanks. I’ll never be as good as Reagan, but it’s my goal.”

Glancing over my shoulder, I focused on Reagan and Finn, drinking champagne and conversing as if they had a million fucking things in common. What the hell could they be talking about?

“What does your brother do exactly?” I questioned.

Annika peered over at Finn. “He and my father own several large construction companies on the east coast, and they just bought out a huge firm here in California. It’s where I’ll work once I find my own place to live. Right now, I’m staying at Finn’s.” She looked back at me. “We should go house shopping together. I’m sure you know the area well.”

I wasn’t about to fall into that rabbit hole. “My real estate agent found my place. I have his number if you want it. He’s the best.”

Her lips turned into a pout, but she nodded. “That’d be great.”

I knew what she was trying to do, but I had no interest in spending more time than necessary alone with her. Carter told me I needed to show Reagan she was the only one I wanted, but Annika wasn’t helping. Of course, I could always be a dick and tell her I wasn’t interested. However, I had a feeling Annika wasn’t the type to back down, nor was she the kind of girl to get turned down by men.

Once Annika finished her martini, she moved closer to me. Any closer and she’d be in my fucking lap. “Do you have plans Friday night?”
