Page 58 of Taking the Fight

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Braden’s fight was coming up, and I was anxious for it to be over. Seth promised me he’d win, but it was never a guarantee. I’d never felt so uncomfortable; it was as if I was being watched, the feeling of a number of pairs of eyes watching me.

Seth nudged me in the side. “Hey, I want you to meet someone.” He took my hand and helped me up just as a guy with dark-as-night hair and crystal blue eyes came toward us, his smile wide and genuine as he acknowledged Seth. The guy held out his hand, and Seth shook it. “I didn’t know you were coming to California,” Seth said to him.

The guy laughed. “Well, I thought I’d come out here and see what your family’s been up to.” He glanced around the room, clearly impressed. “I like what you’ve done here.”

Seth blew out a huff. “This is all Nikolai, not me.”

The guy chuckled again. “That doesn’t surprise me.”

Seth put his arm around my shoulders. “Valentin, I want you to meet Emma’s sister, Reagan.”

Valentin beamed. “Reagan Jameson, I can’t believe I’m finally meeting you.” We shook hands. “Your sister used to talk about you all the time. I’m the one who introduced Seth to her.”

“I’m glad you did,” I replied.

Sliding his arm away from my shoulders, Seth peered down at his watch. “It’s about time for our fighters to face off.”

Valentin slapped a hand on his shoulder. “About that. My father sent me over here to talk to you.”

Seth raised his brows. “Are you backing down?”

Valentin shrugged. “Well, if you’d told him his fighter was going up against Braden Emerson, he wouldn’t have agreed to it in the first place.” Pulse racing, I glanced back and forth between them. I’d give anything not to have to watch Braden fight.

Chuckling, Seth cocked his head to the side and repeated his question. “Are you really backing down?”

In all seriousness, Valentin nodded. “Afraid so. My father said he’d pay you twenty grand for the trouble.” Mouth gaping, I couldn’t believe what I had just heard.

“Tell him there’s no trouble,” Seth said, shaking his head. “I don’t want the money. However, a weekend away to that private island would be nice to cash in on some time.”

Valentin held out his hand, and they shook on it. “Deal. He loves that island.” He slapped Seth on the shoulder again. “Thanks again, brother. Let’s grab some drinks tomorrow night.”

Seth grinned. “Sounds good.”

Valentin strolled off, and I blew out a relieved sigh. “So, the fight’s off?”

“Looks like it,” he remarked, smirking at me. Then, he turned to Benny. “Go get Braden. I’m going to get him and Reagan out of here.” Placing a hand on the small of my back, Seth nodded toward the bar. “Let’s get a drink and then we’ll leave.”

“Sounds good to me.”

Three bars were set up in the room, and Finn was near one while Nikolai and his guys were around another. The only people around the third one were the Porcellos. I recognized the three older men of that family, but this time they had different young women on their arms. They moved out of the way when Seth and I walked up.

“Reagan,” Braden called.

I turned around at the sound of his voice. I thought for sure he’d come out wearing his fighting gear, but instead, he had on his black suit, looking sexy as hell. Throwing my arms around his neck, I smiled. “Did you hear the Rossis were too afraid to fight you?”

Braden winked. “It happens.”

Seth held his hand out to him when I let him go. “Thank you for offering to win that island for me.”

They shook hands. “No problem,” Braden said. “I was looking forward to the fight.”

The bartender cleared his throat, and I turned to him. He had a shaved head and a scar above his left eye. I didn’t know what mafia family he belonged to, but I’d say he was used to doing the dirty work by the bored expression on his face.

“Would you like a drink, Ms. Jameson?”

“Sure,” I replied. “A gin and tonic with lime, please?”
