Page 64 of My Fight

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“Carter,” I whisper, his eyes watching me closely. “You’re going to make me—” is all I get out before I arch my back and his pace quickens, and fall over the edge and into euphoria. His hold on my neck loosens as his name leaves my mouth, and I scream it out to the room, over and over again.

I barely have time to register anything before I feel his hands leave my throat and grab onto my hips. Sitting back, he pumps into me, his thrusts vicious and everything I’ve ever wanted as he growls my name, his climax overtaking him.

“Fuck! Cat!” he roars, before exploding, gripping my skin tight, the pain of his hold searing my skin as thrusts through his release. In this moment, he looks exactly like the Adonis he is.

We are both panting, and sweat coats Carter's body, making it shimmer. He lies next to me, pulling me in close, holding me as his fingers slowly caress my skin.

“You’re perfect for me, Cat… fucking perfect in every way,” he says, his lips kissing mine softly. I look into his bright blues and smile.

“We’re perfect, Carter,” I state, knowing that I have finally met my match.



I wake from my slumber, feeling warmth at my side, and I look to see soft deep brown hair in my vision. Cat is still asleep, and I watch her. I could watch her all day, every day, and never get bored. The morning light catches her hair softly, making it shine against her complexion, her eyes and lips relaxed.

Drugs were never my thing; I’ve always worked too hard for my money to shove it up my nose, but I imagine the hit I get from her, the constant need I have to be with her, is a feeling similar to getting high. She makes me feel like I can’t get enough.

It must be early, because the sun is starting to peek through the curtains, and knowing I have to leave her today, I want to make the most of my time with her. Peeling away from her slightly, I slide down the mattress and position myself between her legs, because I need another hit.

I run my nose along the soft skin of her upper thigh, before I put my lips on her.

“Carter...” she murmurs, sleepily.

I don’t answer her with words, instead I lick her, my favorite flavor, and begin to circle her clit with my tongue.

“Oh. Carter, that feels so good...” I feel her body relax into the bed as her hands settle on my scalp and dig into my hair.

She is the best I have ever had, and I don’t know how I will cope being away from her. The way she makes me feel, the way we fit together, the way her and Ivy have accepted me with no questions, no demands, no assumptions. I can be myself with her, and she wants me that way.

Her legs open wider for me, and I know she is enjoying this wakeup call, so I put my hands on her hips, keeping her steady as I can feel her starting to rock, wanting more.

“Oh God, Carter. Pleaseeee… Oh yes, right there...” she moans, and I really want to record the sounds she makes for my ringtone. Her saying my name like that is everything.

As I suck on her clit, I flick my eyes up to her and see her pushing her head back, back arching, breasts pushing out, nipples peaked. I love how she comes undone at my touch.

I pull away for a moment and bring my hand down, sliding one finger inside of her, and her hips buck against me. She is wet and warm, and I’m rock hard already, my cock throbbing from watching her.

“Carter, please, please. I need more of you, Carter, please…” I can feel myself getting harder with every noise she makes, with every move, every moan, my cock twitches into the mattress.

“Let me look after you, baby,” I say softly, wanting her to wake up to me nice and slow, enjoying every second of my time with her.

I lower my lips again, sucking on her clit as my fingers move inside of her slowly, but deliberately. I curl them a little, and I know when I hit her spot because her hips convulse under my other hand, and her breathing becomes rapid.

I move my fingers and tongue faster, in tandem, as her grip in my hair gets tighter, and if I had to pick my dream location in the world, it wouldn’t be the Bahamas or the tropics, it would be right here, in between her legs, savoring every drop of her on my tongue.

“Carter! Carter! YES!” Her climax overtakes her, and I slow my pace, dragging out her orgasm with matching circles against her G-spot and clit until she’s whimpering and boneless, easing back into the mattress. And only then do I come up for air.

I kiss my way back up her beautiful naked body, trying to memorize it so I can imagine her underneath me while I am away. Making my way to her face, I see her smile, her bright white, perfect teeth glistening, her arm is thrown over her eyes, and a soft blush taints her cheeks.

“That was a great way to wake up,” she says softly, as she moves her hand from her face and looks at me. The just-fucked flushed look suits her well. Another image for my memory bank.

“Hmmm, best breakfast I ever had,” I tell her gruffly, having not really used my voice yet this morning as I continue to kiss her body, never wanting to stop.

I sidle up to her, and pull her close, my nose in her hair, filling up my lungs with her scent, knowing it will be a while before I can do it again. I like that we are up early enough not to be rushed, but the heaviness of leaving her today hangs over me like a storm cloud.

“I need to be back in New York today. Sebastian was on edge for some reason last night and needs me back.” Her body stiffens a little in my arms.
