Page 4 of Trick Rider

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It’s him.

The stranger with the haunting gaze from the crowd.

Dark blue eyes capture mine and don’t let go, holding me hostage in this moment, surrounded by his minty, earthy cologne and solid strength. Once again, I find it hard to breathe the longer he stares at me. It’s like he’s picking me apart, piece by piece, examining each one as if I’m some treasure to be marveled over.

How is this man so much more potent up close? I thought seeing him in a sea of other people was devastating enough, but when he’s here, only a few inches from me… my mind short circuits as heat dances along my nerves.

He’s tall, at least a foot taller than me, and I have to crane my neck back to stare up at him. He’s handsome, god-like, really, and my breath stalls in my lungs the longer I look at him.

My eyes catch on his mouth for a moment, getting lost in the perfect shape of it, before my gaze follows the stubble on his chin, up to his high cheekbones and a perfectly straight nose. His dark hair hangs over his forehead a bit, and I squint, trying to make out if it’s black or dark brown. It’s too hard to tell in the dim lights.

He looks like a Roman gladiator, and my mouth dries as I take in his toned body. His expansive chest pulls at the fabric of his dark shirt, letting me see the contours of his muscles. Thick biceps lead to strong forearms, both covered in swirls of black ink that pop against his skin.

I wonder if he’s tattooed everywhere…

It’s then that I realize that I’ve been openly ogling him for a solid minute, and I clear my throat.

“Um,” I stutter out. “It’s my fault. I wasn’t looking where I was going,” I say, the fake jewels on my costume clanking together as I take a step away from the man. I can’t explain the painful twinge in my chest when I’m no longer pressed up against him, but hopefully it goes away soon. Maybe some dinner will help.

His eyes track my movements, and for one brief second, I feel like prey being stalked. That should bother me, right? I don’t know a single thing about this man other than he’s hella tall and tatted up. The thought of him chasing me should be terrifying.

Instead of fear, all I feel is a flutter of excitement.



I’ve never beenthis nervous before in my life. Not even when I was starting Thompson Investing. But standing in front of this little pixie? My heart is racing out of control, my palms are growing sweaty the longer I look at her.

Queen. Goddess. Angel.All inadequate names for her, but I have nothing else to compare her to. She’s magical. Ethereal. Somehow more entrancing up close.

Golden hair floats around her shoulders, a little tangled from her and Penny’s routine, but I love it like this. It makes her look wild, despite the wariness rolling off her in waves.

Bright blue eyes flit around my face, and I take her in as she looks me over.

That’s right, princess. Everything you see belongs to you now.

I need to chill the hell out before I scare my woman away with my intensity. I can’t seem to stop these intrusive thoughts of whisking her away, putting a ring on her finger, and a baby in her belly, and giving us both the happily ever after we’ve been searching for.

I don’t know how I know that about her, but it’s true. This woman is searching for something, and she finally found it. Me. I’ll give her anything and everything.

“I’m Gavin,” I finally manage to say, holding my hand out to her.

“Pia,” she says as her hand slides into mine.

I never want to let her go. Desire slices through me at that one simple touch, the feeling of her smooth skin rubbing against my palm almost too much to take. I wonder what her hands would feel like sliding up my bare chest, or perhaps clawing down my back.

Fuck, I need to get myself under control. I’m nothing if not disciplined in every area of my life, but apparently this little pixie princess is undoing everything about me.

“It’s nice to meet you,” I finally say after clearing my throat. “You were great in there,” I say, pointing back toward the tent behind us.

“Oh, thanks.” She smiles sweetly at me before she turns and strokes her horse’s mane. Her cheeks flush that pretty pink once more, and I get the sense my girl doesn’t know how to handle compliments very well. “Penny does most of the work.”

“You two make a good team,” I counter, meeting her halfway.

My sweet girl rewards me with another precious smile. I want to take a picture and set it as my phone background. That’s how obsessed I already am with this woman.

“Thanks,” she murmurs.

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