Page 113 of Sin

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Will kill anyone who so much as looks and lingers, something I secretly love.

How protective he is of the women he loves. How he treats me like his most prized treasure.

He shifts my loose curls over my shoulder and kisses the base of my neck where his tattoo is. A tiny owl that mimics his, just cuter. Bold and wise; a symbol of how I see him.

“I need you, baby. All of you.”

“Always.” He knows my body. What makes me clench, tremble with pleasure, and on his next stroke angles his hips to hit that spot inside me. Each of his thrusts is precise, hard with an edge of pleasurable pain that I crave.

Those fingers on my hips dig in, bruising me, and I welcome the marks. Live for them. They’re a reminder of our passion. This nearly psychotic need we can’t control.

Malcolm brings a hand to my neck and squeezes. The hold is tight—another way to show his dominance over my female form. I love it. Him. How those fingers wrap around my throat and pull me back to his chest, deepening each thrust.

“Oh, God,” I whimper, my mouth going slack as his breath comes to my ear, a harsh, panting groan against my skin before licking the shell.

“Come on me, Twirl. Mark me.”

“Malcolm,” I yell out, standing on the tip of my toes as a rush of warmth flows through my limbs. Building in its intensity. Pulsing until breathing is obsolete and I come with a brutality that brings forth his own release.

“Son of a bitch,” he hisses, burying himself to the hilt as his cock pulses within my core. Rope after rope filling me—running down my thighs as I try to regulate my breathing. And yet, as I find the will to move, my eyes remain watching him through the mirror.

How he tucks himself back in and then fixes his shirt.

How he runs a hand through his perfect mess of hair.

He acts like nothing just happened, while I’m out of breath and with blushing cheeks.

My simple makeup isn’t ruined. My hair just needs to be fluffed a bit.

However, one look at my bright eyes and smile, and you’ll know.

“You did that on purpose.” It’s the first thing that comes out after a few minutes. Malcolm is kneeling at my feet now, pulling my dress up and zipping the back. He stands to fix my breasts next, lifting each one into the built-in cup with no shame on his handsome face.

Like he didn’t just set me up to walk down the aisle with his come drying on my thighs.

“You look beautiful, by the way,” he says, stepping into my space once more after deeming me ready. His smile is boyish. Happier than I’ve ever seen him. “Breathtaking.”

“You clean up well yourself.” I fix his lapel, straightening the slightly crooked rose inside his breast pocket. “My Prince Charming.”

“More like a beast, but I’ll take it.” He dips his face to kiss my lips. Just a soft peck. “Cold feet, or burning on a hot sandy beach?”

“I’m toasty warm and ready to become Mrs. Asher.”

“Well then...” he steps back to offer me his arm “...let me walk you down the aisle toward your forever.”

I giggle at that. Crazy man. “Is that even allowed?”

“My wedding. My woman. My rules.”

Epilogue #2

Three years later…

LONDON STANDS WITH our little prince in her arms as our family surrounds them. My parents, Aurora, Mariah, and Javier are all here with their little one, Charlotte—a baby girl born almost nine months to the date after their wedding, and who owns Javi wholly.

Beside them is Stacy, who now runs the club for me as the majority shareholder as per Liam’s will. Even being the bastard that he was, he made sure to take care of her the only way he knew how. He left everything to me that had to do with the club, making sure she wouldn’t be out of employment.

She’s a good employee who’s proven herself loyal, has become a good friend to London, and who Carmelo adores.
