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A group of adults varying in age, and they’re standing there watching the kids in action. One sleeping and being an angel, while mine is the center of attention.

But he was like that during the pregnancy, too. Kicking and shifting—keeping her up at night—but London always had a smile. So happy and grateful that we were starting a family after months of negative test results.

I knew it was the stress. That once her body began to relax and accept that her nightmare was over, it would happen.

And it did with the biggest blessing.

Maximus is awake now and clapping in that adorable way only toddlers can, with a cheesy grin, a head full of dark brown curls, and an enthusiastic disposition that has everyone in attendance eating out of the palm of his tiny hand.

Future dictator that he is.

Kids are brutal. Demanding. Lovable in that you-do-what-I-say-or-there’ll-be-mutiny until I get my way. Like father. Like son.

And I want another one.

He reminds me of myself. Even at two years old, he’s observant. Likes order and for his rules to be followed without complaint.

Makes me motherfucking proud while his mother just rolls her eyes. Tells us to chill or the one who runs the house will let us starve. My staff fears her more than me.

It’s a beautiful thing.

London is kind and generous, but that kitten has very deep claws when it comes to how our home is run. She likes to be hands-on. Cooks and cleans, only asking for help if it’s too high or her attention is needed elsewhere.

Over the years, I have learned to not fight this. A happy wife means a happy life, and I like getting my dick wet every night.

“Congratulations, bloke,” Casper says, walking up to me from the crowd and giving me a hug. He’s smirking at me, while his eyes stray every few minutes toward a giggling Aurora. She’s ignoring him while making faces at my son, and you can see how frustrated he is by her refusal. Something happened between them while we were on our honeymoon, yet neither wants to explain. “Not many have the guts that you do, Asher. Out in the open like this...”

“Interpol can look but can’t touch. Not in this country, at least.” With the success of my Shanghai location, I’ve built two more in major Asian cities. The ribbon-cutting ceremony today for the Hong Kong building in the middle of their financial district is my largest. My customers here include a few syndicates, but the main source of transactions come from the counterfeit market: the purses, shoes, and clothing that are sold in the States and in a massive quantity.

Those items are produced all over Asia, but they come to this location to secretly deliver deposits. China would be too obvious for those following the paper trail, and it doesn’t hurt that the government here loves me.

Love my business motto and the money I bring to the country’s economy.

If they thrive, no one asks stupid questions. Cheeks turn while they shake your hand.

“You have my respect.”

“And money. Don’t forget that.” My eyes scan the large crowd, and I spot a few of my other clients milling about, each with their families and happily celebrating out in the open with no fear of repercussion. My success is to their benefit.

As my empire grows, so do the risks. However, the rewards outweigh them.

Money rules the world, and I dominate the market.

That’s what sets me apart. The fact that I have no fear.

“Very true, and I also think it’s time our families grow. Unite.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“Is London still looking to sell her childhood home?” Once more his eyes flick toward my wife’s cousin.

I raise a brow and nod. “Yeah, why?”

“Is Aurora still working at the foundation with her?”


“Then Chicago is about to become my permanent home base.”

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