Page 36 of Risqué

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“But there is one request I ask you to adhere to for my assistance on the matter.”

“This is your playground, not mine. The guest is always courteous to the host.”

“Rigo Martin is mine to deal with.”

“As long as you understand the others are solely at my mercy.”


“Good.” This isn’t the first time I’ve dealt with greedy politicians with White House or Parliament dreams.


“What the fuck?” Giannis wakes up sputtering, the ice-cold water running down his front while he startles on the chair he’d fallen asleep on. Two p.m. and taking a nap, fucking waste of sperm. He’s not strapped down. He’s untouched so far, completely unaware of the man sitting across from him in a plastic chair with a folded table to his right. My Ruger with a silencer is visible on the table; it’s all black and heavy, with a full magazine. Each bullet has his name on it, but the discharge will all depend on him. “This shit isn’t funny!”

“No. None of this is amusing to me.” At my response, his eyes fully open and focus on me. His blue eyes widen, and his mouth drops open while consecutive bouts of shivers begin. “Who are you?”

“The bloody boogie man.” Lifting my hand, I tap the small table and he flinches. He’s a small bloke. No real muscle. No balls. “And I’m here to either kill you or watch you become my bitch.”

“I haven’t done anything. Please—”

“Speak when spoken to and we’ll get along...” he exhales before I’m done “...for now.” Immediately, he scrambles back, falling off the arm of the chair. Not that he gets far as Kray steps into his line of sight. “If it’s money you want, my father has more than enough to pay you twice over even if the ass refuses to pay his debts.” The last parts were mumbled, but I hear him loud and clear. Rigo owes money, but I wonder how many times this git has been threatened because of him. “Call him and demand a high amount. Just don’t kill me.”

“Who is Aliana Rubens to you, Mr. Martin?” At her name, he becomes paler. Sweat begins to bead on his forehead, his chest rising and falling rapidly. His mouth opens and closes, but no words come out. “Speak up, Giannis. I asked you a question.”

Martin swallows hard, his shaking a little worse now. “You’re a Gaspar?” My eyes meet Kray’s for a second; he immediately pulls out his mobile and steps outside. The man on the floor lets out a whimper, and I look at him again. His fear is heady, but more than that, he’s confused. “Dad has an agreement with your boss. And I only moved here because it’s a nice neigh—”

“No. I’m not.”

His low shit almost makes me smile. Almost. “W-who are you?”

“Callum Jameson.”

“Oh fuck.”

“Answer my earlier question, you arse.” Leaning forward, I let my hands hang between my legs. “How do you know Aliana Rubens?”

“Our fathers.” Giannis is shaking, a small pool of wetness now on the front of his joggers. Disgusting. “We grew up together. Our families have run in the same social circles since we were in middle school.”


“A-And they always expected us to be close.”

Fucking choir boy is testing my patience with his stuttering. Before he can scream, I grab my gun and dislodge two bullets to the right of his head. They break through the drywall and wood beneath, leaving circular openings where a bit of sunlight filters through. “This is your last warning. The full story, or the next time I fire it will be aimed at your knee. Understood?”


I place the gun down. “Carry on.”

Giannis licks his dry lips, swallowing hard while trying to control the uncontrollable twitching of his body. “Before I start, I’m begging you not to hurt her. She’s been pulled in every direction all her life and doesn’t deserve to end up in the middle of the crap her family pulls.”


“You do?” The cracking of his voice is amusing, yet I don’t answer. Instead, I wave a hand for him to continue. I’ll be heading back to London soon, but before I step foot on the plane, protection for her needs to be in place. “Because men like you don’t—”

“Be very careful how you finish that sentence.”

“I mean no disrespect, Mr. Jameson,” he says, eyeing the gun without blinking. “Please know that, but with the type of men who seem to follow us or show up randomly at our fathers offices, we can’t trust anyone. It’s an expectation that scares the fuck out of me.”
