Page 75 of Risqué

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“What the fuck is going on?” When it comes to my Venus, I have no patience. I’m trying hard to remember that he came to me, that he’s worried, but rationality isn’t my strongest suit with those I consider mine. “Where is she now?”

“Please don’t kill me, but I can’t tell you. I’ve broken her trust enough with this call.”

“Then why tell me?”

“Because no one else can protect her.”

Exhaling, I run a tired hand across my face. “Get me her itinerary and include yourself on this trip. Do whatever the fuck you must, but where she goes, you go. Understood?”

“Already done. I convinced her father she needs help.”

“Good.” My tone is cold. Angry.

“Please don’t be mad at her. This really is out of her’s her story to tell.”

“Too late.” An email comes in and I pull the mobile away, checking. It’s from Giannis with confirmed days, airfare, and the place booked for their stay. Ezra will change this. She’ll go to my home there. “I’ll take care of everything. Your job is to get on the plane with her and find alternative lodging for the days following your arrival; I’ll cover the cost. She’s mine to deal with.”


I hate lying to him.

It eats at me. Makes me feel like utter crap, but I have no choice. Yet, as I land in Brazil with Giannis in the seat to my right, I wish it were Callum beside me. That I’d been strong enough to tell him what’s going on, the threats and illegal deals I’m forced to be a part of.

“You can always call him,” Giannis leans over and whispers before undoing his seatbelt. Those around us pay no mind, though, too busy opening the overhead compartments and grabbing their carry-on luggage. “He can help you, Ali. Hell, if you don’t want to explain, I will. This is fucked up.”

This is fucked up. I know. I’ve been repeating those same words for the last few years while trying to find an explanation for the way my father treats me. Uses me.

“He has enough on his plate. What they did to his aunt…” my voice trails off, the memory of his face—expression—while he asked me to accept the protection of the man he called Kray, broke my heart. So much pain. His eyes, those beautiful, gem-like eyes, showed me in that moment the kind of man he truly is.

Caring. Passionate. Loyal.

Categories I’d never thought he’d be a part of. Because in my ignorance, I wrote him off the moment he introduced himself, and yet, walking away has been impossible. I can’t.

Callum is everything the men in my family wish they could be, and so much more. His power doesn’t dominate him. His money doesn’t define him.

I’m falling for him. My truth. Undeniably.

“I’m screwed.” Those two words, my tone, they say everything I can’t. And weirdly enough, Giannis understands. He nods, making no move to stand as those around us disembark. And we don’t, not until every person exits and the flight attendants congregate at the front.

He’s first to stand and grab our bags. The two carry-on’s we brought have just the basics while what we’ll need for the job was shipped to the house the governor rented days ago. My father’s been planning this for a while, longer than I suspect, and he’d given me enough freedom to mess with my head.

It doesn’t take long to get off the plane or out of the airport. Giannis handled this part of the arrangements, renting us a fun convertible for our time in the country. Not that we’d get to enjoy any of it; we can’t be seen or draw attention to ourselves, but the drive out to the private property in Rio will be amazing.

Maybe I can come with Callum one day.

“If he’s around that long,” I mutter low, grateful that Giannis is too busy hooking up the Bluetooth system to his phone. The last thing I want right now is another lecture. To be told I’m an idiot.

Because I am. I should’ve told him. Asked for his help.

“Are you hungry, Ali?” Giannis asks, pulling me back from my thoughts. “You haven’t eaten much in the last few days.”

“How would you know that?”

“That’s a dumb question, and you know it.”

“Shut it.” And because I’m not ready to get into that conversation, the implications of him watching me because of Callum, I slap his shoulder with a giggle. “By the way, I can’t believe our fathers bought the whole, I’m trying to make sure she doesn’t fuck up, spiel you gave them. It was almost insulting how easily they gave in to you coming with me.”

“Don’t take it personally. They’re both arseholes.” His butchered British accent at the end makes me miss Callum. Even when cursing, he sounds so proper it’s sexy. “My boyfriend, on the other hand…”
