Page 53 of His Sacrifice

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“Isn’t that great?” Evelyn hands me the glass.

“Yeah it’s…” Something isn’t right here. “…What changed your mind?” I look between the two of them, hardly believing what I’m hearing. Violetta is headstrong, even more than I am.

“I’m not going straight back,” she warns. “Not before a night out with Claude and until I’ve checked in on Rhett.”


“Don’t worry your head, big brother,” she interrupts me. “It’s all covered. I called Mother earlier and told her I got given a few days off for finishing my assignments early and that I was worried about Rhett. Who, by the way, is getting released from the hospital tomorrow. We’re having a family dinner to celebrate,” she informs me. “And don’t panic, I said nothing about your dirty little secret.” She nudges Evelyn and pulls an imaginary zip across her mouth. I’m stunned when they both giggle. How much champagne have they drunk today?

“She’s not a dirty little secret,” I correct my sister sternly.

“Oh Raoul, relax, she was making a joke.” Evelyn rolls her eyes at me and I give her a warning look when I feel my palm get twitchy.
