Page 99 of His Sacrifice

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“If seeing the bride before the wedding is bad luck, we’re going to hell for this.” Evelyn giggles as I place another kiss against her neck.

I don’t give a shit about ridiculous traditions, I had an impulse to see her, whatescalated from that impulse is all her fault. If she hadn’t looked so fucking mesmerizing in that white lace dress it wouldn’t be in a pile at her feet.

“Wendy spent all night steaming it.” her eyes look down to the crumpled mess and an adorable, mischievous smile raises her cheeks.

“Fuck the dress,” I kiss her again, then dragging my cock away from her pussy, I tuck the panties that I ripped off her in to my pocket and take a step back to admire her. She looks perfect with her ass perched on the vanity table I just fucked her on. Her hair’s pinned up, and she’swearing a white satin bodice, that I fully intend to take my time stripping her out of later.

“Do you know how much that dress cost?” she laughs, and the sound of it sends another shot of pure fucking happiness straight to my chest. There is nothing that compares to the feeling I get putting a smile on this girl's face.

“Evelyn darling, are you decent?” Evelyn's expression suddenly switches to panic when a voice follows the sharp tap at the door.

“Shit, that’s your mother, Raoul!” She quickly slides off the table and rushes to step back into her dress.

“Help me,” she whisper-growls at me as she desperately shimmies the thing up her body.

“I love it when you get flustered.” I snigger, taking my time to step up behind her, then slowly I begin pulling up the zip from her lower back.

“Evelyn!” Mother calls again.

“I’ll be right there,” Evelyn responds nervously, and I press my lips against the flushed skin on the back of her neck when I’ve finally zipped her up to the top.

“You are perfect,” I whisper, pulling away and moving to let mother in.

“Raoul!” She looks horrified to see me, and I offer her a boyish grin before I kiss her cheek.

“You’re not supposed to be in here”. Her hand swipes across my chest.

“Where else would you expect me to be?” I ask her seriously.

“Your father is having a drink with Rhett in the bar across the street, you should join them.” Her suggestion confirms that the old man actually bothered to show up.

Not that it would make any difference for me, there was only ever one person I was bothered about showing up today.

“Evelyn, you look beautiful.” Mother forgets she’s mad at me as she spreads out her arms and steps toward an embarrassed looking Evelyn.

“Thank you, Mrs. Burlusconi.” She nods politely, then blushes even pinker when I tug a little of what's left from the white panties I tore off her from my pocket.

“Marcella, please we are family now,” mother reminds her, before pressing a kiss against her cheek.

My father had no choice but to accept this situation, but Mother, she’s embraced it. She hasn’t said it to me, but I know that she’s proud of me for making a stand against my father and choosing Evelyn. She’s a sucker for a love story.

“You need to leave, go drink with your father and brother.” Mother shoos me away and I’m just about to do as she says when the door bursts open again. Violetta struts in wearing a long sleek bridesmaid dress that matches the color of the lotus flowers brightening up the church.

“What are you doing here? it’s bad luck for the groom to…”

“I’m leaving,” I interrupt, throwing my hands up in defense and taking one last look over my shoulder at the woman who will soon be my wife and wondering how I ever got so lucky.

“I’ll be waiting for you,” I assure her, narrowing my eyes in a warning.

“I’ll be there.” She smiles back at me.

The church is empty when I step out of the room that Evelyn’s been getting ready in, and I know it’s only a matter of time before people start to arrive.My phone rings inside my pocket and I assume it’ll be Rhett trying to get me across the street for that drink. Things have been tense between me and Father since I gave him my ultimatum, but no one outside our family would know that.

It would be a weak link.
