Page 107 of Tortured Soul

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Since my dick got hard watching them, I haven’t been able to face coming out here in case it happened again. But Rick’s been getting rougher. I swear he leaves the bruises on her to goad me. He wants me to watch. He thrives on my weakness and hates that he gets no reaction from me.

And now, with Mama at work, and Cody out hotboxing a car with some of our teammates, it’s time for Rick to get that reaction he’s been waiting for.

I’m pumped with adrenaline and nerves as I storm out of the house and onto the yard. I heard them come out here a few minutes ago, and the light shining from the shed window confirms that he’s putting her through her weekly hell.

I wonder if I’ll have the strength to kill him? It’s the only way I can ever guarantee he won’t come back. And I clutch the kitchen knife in my sweaty palm a little harder to stop it from slipping out as I approach the door.

My heart thumps fast, and my stomach tightens as I pull in one more breath and take the rusty door handle in my hand.

No more pain.

No more suffering

No more Rick…

I open the door and freeze when I see Beth alone on the couch. Her eyes are wide with terror like she fears me. I don’t realize I’ve got it all wrong until I hear the floor creak behind me and feel the heavy blow to the back of my head.

And Beth’s terrified face is the last thing I see before I give up the fight to stay conscious.

‘Answer,’ I hear her sweet whisper…


‘Answer!’ Her voice rings louder in my head, and when I open my eyes, I realize my cell is vibrating against my chest. I drop the gun and fumble with the inside pocket of my cut to pull it out, expecting to see Squealer’s name. Instead, it’s Alex, and I do as my sister commands without hesitation and answer it.


“Screw, thank God. I didn’t think you were gonna pick up.”

“Alex, what's wrong?” My blood turns cold when I hear the fear in her tone. If anything’s happened to her and those kids she’s carrying, my brother won’t survive it.

“You have to go back and get Lydia right now,” she tells me, that edge in her voice sounding less fearful and more assertive.

“Alex, I really can’t—”

“I think she’s in danger. “Alex cuts me off, and her words instantly ignite a new flame inside me.

“Her father isn’t a good person. We got it wrong. You need to go back and get her right now.”

“I’m a half-hour away!” I stumble back up onto my feet and start running back to the truck.

“I know. Maddy’s got you on the tracker. I’ll call the others and tell them you’re gonna be held up.”

“You’re sure about this? Because if I go back there, Alex…” I stop myself before I open the cage door. She better be damn sure because there’s no way I could leave Lydia behind a second time.

“They never tried to find her, Screwy. When we put all the little things together, none of it adds up. There’s too much to explain over the phone. Just bring her back home.”

That's good enough for me. I cut the call and throw the phone and my gun onto the passenger seat.

Then hopping inside, I spin the cage around and head back toward Lydia’s parents.

Among all the panic and rage, I realize something that’s both heartbreaking and comforting at the same time.

Beth wanted me to answer that call.

She wanted me to help Lydia.

Maybe she doesn’t hate me after all…
