Page 46 of Tortured Soul

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“Why don't you fucking ask him?” the guy points his eyes in Screwy’s direction, and Screwy’s nostrils are already flaring. I can feel the tension in his muscles building beside me, his eyes becoming wilder as they stare into the fire.

“Yo, Screw,” the one who’s been making me feel uncomfortable calls over, and as Screwy turns his head toward him, I notice that his fists are already balled up. “Me and Skinner here were just wondering what seven-hundred-and-fifty grand pussy tastes like.” He laughs before taking a long sip from his beer. Screwy is up on his feet, marching toward them before I can beg him to sit back down.

When his strong arm reaches out, he grabs him by his shirt, and there’s an evil snarl on his face as he tugs the man toward him, nose to nose, then starts walking him backward.

“Oh shit!” Squealer drops the conversation he’s having with Alex and Skid to rush over and force himself between them.

“Believe me–you don't want this.” He throws a warning over his shoulder to the man as he tries to push Screwy back. The guy does nothing to help his cause, smiling at Screwy sarcastically.

“Must taste real fucking sweet to get you this riled up.” He laughs with his friends, but Screwy remains deadly serious.

“You're acting like I just disrespected your old lady. Yet she ain’t claimed. She’s just another girl, who’ll soon be a hangout whore, and then I’ll get to sample some of that grade-A shit for free.”

“Troj!” Squealer calls over to where Troj is standing behind me, and when I look back over my shoulder, I notice that the whole party has stopped, and everyone’s attention is on Screwy. “You gonna kick my ass if I let Screwy unleash?” he asks, using all his strength to hold his brother back.

“Hell no,” Troj shouts back at him, snarling at the asshole Screwy wants to get at.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn ya,” Squealer manages to say to the guy behind him before sliding out the way for Screwy to storm ahead. He starts by throwing his huge fist into the guy’s face and knocking him off his feet, then before the man has a chance to retaliate, he crouches down and lifts him off the ground by his shirt. I watch him land another hard blow into his jaw in horror, praying that someone will step in and stop him before he does to this guy what he did to the man who bought me at the auction. What the man said had been cruel and thoughtless, but he doesn't deserve to die for it.

The guy's friends step into the fight, landing punches into Screwy’s side.

“Help him!” I call out to Squealer, who stands watching with his arms crossed and a smile of pride on his face.

“Nah, he got this.” He shakes his head back at me as if it’s no big deal.

“You can’t be serious. There are three of them,” I shriek. “Please stop him.”

“Oh… you really think I could stop that?” Squealer laughs at me like I just said something funny. “Not a chance. Once Screw sees that red mist, there ain’t no stopping him.”

And he’s right. It’s not until all three men are out cold on the floor that Screwy steps away from them. He barges past his brother, eyes set on me, as he comes toward me and takes my hand. I feel his fingers wet, sticky, and coated in blood as they slide between mine. Either he doesn’t care, or he hasn’t noticed.

I look at all the shocked faces around us and then back to him.

“I’m real sorry you had to see that,” he tells me rigidly, sitting back down on the log and keeping my hand in his while he places another smoke between his lips and sets it alight.

Someone turns the music back up, and Jessie and Prez immediately go over to the guys on the floor. After they’ve all come back around, it looks like the conversation’s starting to get heated again, but eventually, they look over; nod their heads at Screwy in some kind of secret code and then leave using the path through the trees.

“It’s all squared. We sent them down to Slut’s Sanctuary for the night,” Jessie comes over to explain, blowing a long stream of smoke from his mouth. “I explained the situation, and Fetz wanted to apologize to ya. I told him it would be a bad idea.”

Screwy nods at Jessie gratefully before staring back into the fire.

“Jessie, can we find some time to talk?” Maddy moves over and tries catching him.

“I got somewhere I need to be.” He disregards her, marching off down the path himself. I watch her try to pull herself together and hide her hurt before she heads back over to Shaniya and the other girls.

“You wanna go home?” I ask Screwy once we’re alone again.

“You’ve never been to a party,” he states, his eyes not moving from the flames, and his hand clutches mine tighter.

“Screwy, I want to go home with you.” I stand up in front of him, letting our linked hands hang between us, and he stares at our blood-soaked fingers for a while before his eyes raise up to mine. Something warm and comforting that feels painful at the same time passes between us.

I don't care who sees me or if it makes Screwy angry, I lean forward and place a kiss on the top of his head. “Just let me go say goodbye to Shaniya,” I whisper into his hair, and when his hand drops out of mine, I immediately yearn to have it back.

I head over to where Shaniya is standing with Rogue, hoping they don’t mind me interrupting.

“We’re gonna head back to Screwy’s cabin. I’m sorry about what just happened. I’m sure Screwy didn’t want to ruin your party.”

“It’s fine. Squealer told us what he’d said. I don’t blame Screw for reacting. Any of the others would have done the same if it had been their old…” Shaniya quickly stops herself and Rogue takes over.
