Page 114 of Then There Was You

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“No change.”

“Have you been home yet?” I shake my head. I haven’t left the hospital since she was brought in two weeks ago. “You need a break, Seb. Why don’t you go home, take a shower and get something to eat? I’ll stay with Taylor.”

“No. I’m good,” I tell her, lifting her hand to my lips.

She frowns. “I’m worried about you.”

“I’m fine, Mom. I don’t want to leave her.”

She smiles sadly. “Okay.” She sits on the chair opposite me and picks up Taylor’s other hand. “Taylor’s the one, isn’t she?” she asks, her eyes meeting mine.

“Yeah, she’s the one. I hope she feels the same way when she wakes up.”

“What happened with you two?”

I sigh. “I should have been honest with her.”

“About what?”

“My feelings for Sophie.”

Her forehead creases in confusion before her eyes widen. “Feelings for Sophie…” She trails off. “That’s why we didn’t see you for weeks after the wedding.”

It’s not a question but I answer anyway. “It was easier to stay away, but meeting Taylor made me realize maybe my feelings for Sophie weren’t as strong as I thought. They felt pretty real at the time, though.”

“Oh, Seb. Why didn’t you say anything?”

I shrug halfheartedly. “There was nothing to say.”

“Do Cade or Sophie know?”

“No, but they will. I’m done with secrets. Secrets nearly destroyed everything.” I look at Taylor, thinking they could still destroy everything if she doesn’t pull through.

“Do you think that’s a good idea? What are you going to gain from telling them now?”

“Taylor thinks I’m with her because I can’t be with Sophie. She thinks she’s second best.Nothingcould be further from the truth. I want her to know she’s the most important person in my life and that I choose her overeveryone.”

“Even Cade?”

I nod. “Even Cade. I hope it won’t come to that. I hope he’ll see it for what it was.”

“Which was?”

“An infatuation. I think I know now that I was in love with the idea of Sophie, that’s all. If he doesn’t, then I’ll be devastated, but I have to show Taylor what she means to me.”

“I’m not sure I totally understand, but you have to do what you feel is right.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

* * *

It’s another three weeks before the doctors feel Taylor’s well enough to be brought out of the coma. Everyone except Cade and Sophie is in the relatives’ room while they wake her up. They’re both at the hospital; they’re in the maternity ward since Sophie gave birth a couple of days ago. I was so happy for them, but it feels bittersweet knowing Taylor’s missing it all. I hope to God she wakes up today. I need to see her eyes and hear her voice more than I need my next breath.

I pace the room, wondering what’s taking so long. It’s been almost an hour since they asked us to leave her room, and I’ve no idea if that’s how long it takes or whether something’s gone wrong. I wish Cade was here to ask. At least he’s talking to me now. Sitting him and Sophie down and telling them exactly what Taylor and I had been arguing about on the night of the accident had been one of the hardest conversations I’d ever had. Sophie had been embarrassed, but Cade had been pissed. It had taken him a while to come around. I’d been honest and explained that any feelings I had for Sophie were gone and I was in love with Taylor. I think we’re okay now. I’ve only left the hospital a couple of times since Taylor was admitted, so I haven’t seen him much, and while I want things with Cade to be okay, all I can focus on right now is Taylor.

The door to the relatives’ room opens, and one of the nurses walks in. She smiles. “She’s awake and she’s asking for you, Seb.”

Relief washes over me, and I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. “She is?”She nods. “Maybe if you come in on your own first, so she’s not overwhelmed.”
