Page 115 of Then There Was You

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I glance at Paisley, who’s smiling as tears fall down her cheeks. Everyone looks relieved. It goes to show how much they all love her, even though she’s only been in our lives for a short time.

“Tell her I love her,” Paisley says, leaving Nash’s side and pulling me into a hug.

“Me too,” Ash says, her voice choked with emotion.

“You can tell her yourself. She’s going to want to see you,” I tell them both.

As desperate as I am to see her, I’m nervous as hell as I follow the nurse along the corridor to Taylor’s room. She might have asked for me when she woke up, but that doesn’t mean anything.

“The doctors explained what happened and the injuries she sustained. She was teary and scared and she’s likely to be a little confused after being out of it for so long. She’s going to need a lot of support.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

She stops outside Taylor’s room and smiles. “I know, Seb. You haven’t spent a night away from her.”

“I love her,” I say simply.

“She’s lucky to have you.”

I shake my head. “I’m the lucky one.”“I’ll leave you two alone.”

She walks away, and I take a deep breath before opening the door. Taylor’s sitting up in bed, and she turns to look at me before bursting into tears.

“Seb,” she whispers.

I cross the room in seconds and sit next to her, scooping up her hand.

“Please don’t cry. Can I hold you?”

She nods, and I climb onto the bed next to her and wrap her in my arms. It feels so good to hold her. I don’t ever want to let go.

“How are you feeling?” I ask a few minutes later.

“I’ve been better.” She tilts her head and gives me a small smile.

“God, Tay. I was so worried about you.” She lays her head back on my chest and I press a kiss on her hair.

“The doctor said I’ve been in a coma for five weeks.” She reaches her hand up and cups my jaw. “You’ve grown a beard.”

I chuckle. “I never got around to shaving.”

“We were arguing, weren’t we, when I got hit by the car?” she says quietly.

I sigh and nod. “You remember?”


“I’m sorry, baby. It was all my fault. If I’d just told you about Sophie from the beginning, then none of this would have happened.”

“I stepped out into the road, Seb. It wasn’t your fault.”

“It feels like my fault. I was so scared I was going to lose you.”

She sighs against my chest, and I wish I knew what she was thinking. I don’t want to push her when she’s just woken up, so for now, I’ll settle for having her in my arms. There was a time after the accident when I thought I’d never see her again, let alone hold her. I’m not going to wait too long, though. She needs to know everything I said to her before the accident is true. I love her, and after nearly losing her, I’m going to fight with everything in me to make her mine again.

