Page 55 of Then There Was You

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I laugh. “No. His older brother, Nash.” I glance at him. He’s about the only guy around the table who doesn’t have a girl draped all over him. He’s good-looking, so I wonder if he’s married or gay. “Are you not looking for a hook-up tonight with one of the cheerleaders?” I groan internally when he raises his eyebrows. “Shit, sorry. I think I’ve drunk my wine too quickly,” I tell him, holding my empty wineglass up.

He puts his hand on my arm and laughs. “It’s fine, Taylor, and no, I’m not looking to hook up. I’ve only come for one drink to celebrate the win. My wife’s at home with our newborn daughter. I’m actually itching to get home to them.”

“Congratulations! What’s your daughter’s name?”

“Lila. Do you want to see a picture?”

“I’d love to.”

He reaches into the pocket of his pants and pulls out his phone. He scoots closer and holds the phone out for me to see. A tiny baby fills the screen, and I smile.

“She’s beautiful, Lewis. I can see why you can’t wait to get back to her.”

He scrolls through a few more pictures, and in a couple of them, he’s holding her, looking like the proud father.

“You know what?” he asks, slipping his phone back into his pocket. “I think I’m going to go home.”

“I don’t blame you. It was nice to meet you, Lewis.”

“You too, Taylor.”

“Actually, I need to use the restroom. Can you point me in the right direction?”

“Sure. I’ll show you on the way out.”

I turn to tell Paisley where I’m going, but she’s deep in conversation with Nash. I glance at Seb, seeing Kristie’s still on his lap, and now she has her arms wrapped around his neck. Jealousy creeps up my spine as his eyes meet mine. I give him a small smile before turning back to Lewis, who is asking his teammates on the other side of him to let us out. I scoot along the seats, standing when I can. The VIP area is busier than when we arrived, and I follow Lewis, weaving through the crowds.

“The restrooms are just through there,” Lewis says, pointing past the staircase we came up earlier. “Bye, Taylor.”


He jogs down the stairs, and I wait a few minutes before following him. The need for some air wins out over the restroom, and I push through the crowds until I’m out on the sidewalk. It shouldn’t matter what Seb does and who he does it with. My head seems to have gotten the message; my heart, not so much.



Kristie’s talking nonstop but I’ve no idea what she’s saying. I’m not listening. My eyes are fixed on Taylor as she talks to Lewis Wright, the quarterback for the team. He laughs at something she says and puts his hand on her arm. Jealousy swirls in my stomach and I pick up my beer, draining the bottle. Lewis takes his phone out, and I can’t help but wonder if she’s giving him her number.

“Are you listening to me?” Kristie asks, her hands snaking up my chest and over my shoulders. I drag my eyes off Taylor to look at her.

“Sorry. What were you saying?”

She repeats herself, but I’m still not listening. When I look back at Taylor, she’s watching me. She gives me a sad smile before she turns and leaves the table with Wright. I gently take Kristie’s arms from around me and push her off my lap. Her lips form into a pout as I do.

“Not a fan of threesomes, then?” she asks with a giggle, her laugh setting my teeth on edge.

“No. I don’t share, and definitely not with my brother.” My eyes follow Taylor across the room until I lose her in the crowd.

She shrugs. “Your loss.”

I very much doubt that. Sure, she’s hot. I’m not blind, but I’m guessing she’s with a different guy after every game.

“Do you know where Taylor went?” I ask Paisley, interrupting her conversation with Nash.

She flicks her head to where Taylor was sitting before looking back at me. “No idea. She was here a second ago.”

“I saw her leave with one of the players.”
