Page 19 of Lips On My Heart

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I grit my teeth before asking my next question. “Does she still have images of his pecker on her cell or cloud?”

If I have it my way, my dick will be the only one she’ll be laying her eyes on from here on out. I’m half-tempted to send her a shot right now, to remind her of this morning. The women I typically get involved with would absolutely love a digital pic of my junk, but I’m pretty confident it would turn Josephine off at this stage of our relationship, regardless of how impressive my cock is.

“You don’t need to worry. She deletes every single one she receives, promptly. The vast majority were sent to her after she quit her job. Like he thought his limp dick could win her back. But he still sends them,” Chase mumbles, typing away.

“Lecherous prick,” I mutter, though I’m pleased with my pixie for erasing his sorry ass from her life.

Pissed off about her fucking ex, I look down at my phone. I’ve got her contacts. It wouldn’t be hard to find his number. I start scrolling and check myself almost at once. She would be fucking irate if I called her pitiful ex and threatened him. I settle on sending her a text instead.

*Two hours ‘till I’m there, Pixie.*

My phone pings and I smile, knowing it’s her.

*Can’t come here since you don’t know where I live. And I’m not telling.*

I laugh out loud. Man, she’s going to shit a brick when I show up tonight.

*Wear something to show off those sexy legs of yours.*

*Fuck you, Maceo.*

Now I’m shaking with laughter. God, this woman slays me. No one has the balls to talk to me the way she does. It’s refreshing to have someone go toe to toe with me.

“Dude, she has you by the balls,” Chase says, not looking up from his laptop.

“Oh, she will tonight,” I tease knowingly.

“Asshole,” he mumbles. We both know he won’t be getting anything tonight but a five-thousand-dollar bottle of bourbon. Knowing Chase, he’d rather have pussy instead.

With a salute, I head to the house to get cleaned up for tonight. For once, the only bathroom in the rental is unoccupied, and I take full advantage. I scrub down in the shower and shave my face in the bathroom sink. I don’t mind growing out a beard while I’m on a mission, but otherwise I can do without. I buzzed off my beard yesterday, as soon as we got home. I hate how it itches as it grows out, so I shave daily. Besides, I don’t want any barriers when I run my face against Josephine’s soft skin.

After throwing on some aftershave, combing my hair back and holding it in place with some hair clay, and thoroughly brushing my teeth, I wrap my towel around me and walk to the room I share with my three closest men to get dressed.

Fuck me if I’m not standing there, second-guessing everything I try on like some teenager. I settle on a pair of jeans without holes and a white fitted tee. I tie up my black boots and throw on my leather MC vest before grabbing my wallet, phone, and Pappy.

I almost take some condoms from the nightstand out of instinct, when I recall Josephine saying she has an implant.

“Fucking best day ever!” I sing, as I drop the condoms back in the drawer. I’m cool with her having the IUD right now, but if we decide to dive into this relationship, I’m going to ask her to get the damn thing removed. Never planned on or wanted kids before, but fuck me, I wantherto bear my children—the more the merrier.

Heading through the house, I get a lot of smug smirks from my crew, which only strokes my ego. We all know I’m getting laid tonight.

I’m almost to the garage when Candy and her bubble-gum-colored hair sidles up to me, running her hands along my chest.

Candy is one of our MC bunnies, and she’s constantly trying to get in my pants. She offered herself to me last night, and I was slightly tempted by the big fake tits shoved in my face.Hard pass.I don’t shit where I eat. A club bunny won’t do. Doesn’t stop the bunnies from trying, hoping this time may be the time I take one of them to bed.

“Looking fine, Atlas. Going out tonight? I could go with you and keep you company,” she offers, licking her glossy lips suggestively.

Fighting an eye roll, I shake my head. I’ve never had a woman on my hog. That baby is all mine, and I’ve never wanted to share it with anyone until a certain pixie crossed my path. Josephine will be the first to ride with me, and I can’t wait to feel her body flush to my back.

“Sorry, Candy, but I’m off the market. I’m sure you’ll find someone here to take you up on your offer.”

She pouts, which has absolutely no effect on me. “You prefer the bitch in the pencil skirt with the stick up her ass?”

I pull her hands from my chest as firmly as I can without hurting her, and I lean to her ear. “Say one more venomous slur about Josephine, and you’ll see yourself out of this house, out of this club, and back on the street. You hear me?”

Candy shudders and gives me a curt nod before hustling her ass back into the house.

Back in the garage, I find several members drinking beers and shooting the shit while Chase works away on his laptop. I set Chase’s bourbon payment next to him, and he gives me another proud smirk.
