Page 28 of Lips On My World

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Chapter Ten


“Pixie!” Maceo’s fire and brimstone voice hollers.

Runt races into the bathroom where I’m getting ready for my workday. She hides behind my legs, shivering like a leaf.

“What did you do now?” I ask our little girl, shaking my head.

Maceo stomps into the bathroom with his biker boot in hand—or what’s left of it. Puppy teeth are no joke.

I bite my bottom lip to keep from laughing. “I told you to close the closet door more than once, or she’d get into your stuff.”

“I shouldn’t have to do anything,” Maceo argues, his nostrils flaring. “Runt should know better.”

“She’s a puppy who is teething. She’s still learning right from wrong. Yelling at her won’t help.”

“Well, it helps me let off steam,” he grumbles, dumping the boot in the wastebasket before going into the closet to pull out another set of boots.

“Consider this good training for when the baby gets here.”

Maceo comes back into the bathroom and sits on the edge of the tub to lace up his boots. “It’s babies, not baby. And when our babies start teething, they aren’t going to be destroying our things.”

“Only my nipples,” I fire back.

Maceo groans and adjusts himself through his jeans. “Stop talking about those perky beauties, or I’m going to make you pull them out so I can suckle them.”

“Hard pass. They’re too tender. Plus, we need to get to the diner for breakfast. Our appointment with Doctor Stoll is early this morning.”

At the mention of our first gynecologist appointment, Maceo lights up with a megawatt smile showcasing perfect pearly teeth. Man, do I love his smile. “Good. He can finally confirm we’re having twins—shut you up about this singular baby nonsense.”

Damn. He has his heart set.I nibble on the inside of my cheek as I finish French braiding my hair. “Are you going to be disappointed if we only have one baby?”

With a cheeky smirk on his face, Maceo comes up behind me and runs his hands over my sides. “I’m going to be happy with one, two, three—”

“Shut your pie hole! We’re not going beyond two buns.”

Maceo’s shoulders shake with silent laughter. “See. Twins aren’t too bad when you think about how many I probably pumped into you.”

Knuckles wrap on our suite door. “Morning, lovebirds,” Punk’s voice echoes around the suite. Runt barks, charging out of the bathroom toward Punk. “Aw, there’s my little girl.”

Punk waltzes into our bathroom, holding Runt close to his chest. There’s no such thing as privacy in this place—come one, come all. “Hurry up. We have to grab some food before our 0800 doctor’s appointment.”

Maceo scowls at him. “You’re not coming.”

“Try to stop me, bro. I want to see my little nephew or niece,” Punk challenges.

“It’s nephews or nieces! Seriously, why does no one believe there may be twins? They run in Josephine’s family. And I don’t want you in the room when the doctor checks out her hoohaa.”

I agree. I love Punk fiercely—he’s the brother I never had, but I know my husband. Maceo has stated more than once I’m for his eyes only. Plus, I don’t want Punk to get an eyeful of my crotch despite how close we are.

Punk makes a disgusted face. “Um, dude, they do that ultrasound shit on the stomach. No hoohaa scanning. Haven’t you ever seen a chick flick where the main character is seeing her baby for the first time?”

My husband looks at me and I shrug my shoulders. If there’s no risk of Maceo getting territorial and my lady-bits are covered, then I’m okay with it.

Maceo rolls his eyes. “Fine. You can come, but this shit is still being kept quiet.”

* * *
