Page 92 of Engaging Opal

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At last, Levi has his answer. Olina is living at the Mercy Ravens MC compound.

Months of worrying, and now he knows. Levi wants to both throw his hands above his head in victory and punch the nearest wall. Annoyance flows through him, learning he’s been close to her this entire time. Precious time he could have been using to get reacquainted with his girl. Feeling her tremble in his arms…tasting her salty tears. Holding her down while taking his fill of her, relishing in her cries for mercy.

Levi shakes off the fantasy. There’ll be plenty of time to take his frustrations out on Olina once he has her back in his bed permanently.



October 2020

The past few months have been chaotic, leading up to Atlas and Jo’s wedding, but their special day couldn’t have been more perfect. It’s still hard to believe they went from meeting to marrying in four months—a classic whirlwind romance. Atlas went from only having his club family to adopting Jo’s family, too, making room for Jo’s parent and sister to move onto the property after she had reconciled with them. It’s nice seeing the MC family expand.

I cried as they exchanged handwritten vows and shared their first dance as newlyweds. It was beautiful, and it was giving me the itch to get the ball rolling by taking the next steps in my relationship with my biker.

Gauge and I are in a good place—a better place—with our relationship being stronger than it was before his betrayal. He’s been dropping hints about our future together, about wanting Jo to build us a house on the property. Giving us the room we’d need to start a family.

Eek!Knowing Gauge wants the same things as I do is a dream come true. With me recently earning my GED, we’re at a point to make plans. Gauge mentioned if I wanted to pursue college, he’d support me. He also said if I wanted to focus on building my baking business, he’s more than on board for that, too.

Maybe I’m greedy, but I want all the above. I want to go to culinary school and open a bakery. I want to get married, build a home, and start a family too. As far as I can tell, nothing is stopping me from having it all.

Things continue to go smoothly for us. The crew supports our new union as a ride-or-die couple, harassing Gauge non-stop about when he’s going to wife up. It thrilled the bunnies when Gauge made a public statement about me being his old lady—I think it gave some of them hope they might be next. Candy even graciously congratulated us. She and I are still not on the best of terms, but I think that’s more Candy feeling bad for her part in Gauge’s betrayal. It’s not on her. The blame lies with Gauge, and he has owned his fault.

With Atlas and Jo in Ibiza for their honeymoon, Gauge runs the MC and Mercy Ravens Security. It’s a hard job to tackle when both men are working to secure new assignments and manage the crew. When it’s a one-man show, it can be downright hectic, and that’s when things are running efficiently.

Unfortunately, some concerning issues have come to attention. Things are a tad tense in the club with Chase having discovered Esteban present the day Atlas and Jo got married. The intel team has been working round the clock to determine if the drug lord is still in Colorado. The rest of the crew has been busy handling local recon and security jobs, trying to finish as many projects as possible in case the team has to go on a manhunt.

Needless to say, it’s been all hands on deck.

There’s not much I can do to help with the business end of the MC, but I can file paperwork, bring the guys lunch, and do other small errands or chores. Something as simple as going out to the road to fetch the mail goes a long way in lessening their load.

Gauge is busy taking calls in his office. He’s deep in conversation when I step out to fetch the mail. There’s no need to announce where I’m going when he’s in the middle of negotiating a deal. Besides, Chase will see me on the live feeds as soon as I exit headquarters.

I’ve barely stepped off the front porch when Eagle exits the mechanic’s garage, spotting me.

He jogs to my side. “Where you off to, Miss Opal? Need an escort?”

“I’m just grabbing the mail. No biggie. Don’t feel obligated to accompany me.” I wish the guys wouldn’t fret so much about my safety. Nobody would dare step foot in this compound. I’m perfectly safe.

“Don’t mind the walk. Been squatting in the garage for the past two hours working on the hogs. My legs can use a stretch.”

There’s no point in arguing with the guys on the crew. They take guarding the MC women seriously. Most people might see it as controlling or territorial, but with most of the women coming from various backgrounds of abuse, the protection isn’t unwarranted.

Eagle and I chit-chat as we make the two-hundred-meter commute to the road where our mailbox is located. He’s a nice guy, always mindful of others. Not to mention ruggedly handsome, like the rest of the MC brothers. I’m surprised a woman hasn’t snatched him up yet—he’s a catch.

As we near the mailbox, Eagle’s cell rings. He pulls it out of his cut, frowning at the screen. “I need to take this.”

“Go ahead. I’ll grab the mail.”

I jog up the hill toward the road, already feeling winded after a few strides. Running sucks eggs. I don’t know how Jo or Atlas enjoy it. At least since it’s October, the weather isn’t sweltering like it had been all summer. Sweat is not my friend.

When I breach the hill, I punch in the code for the security gate. Impatiently, I tap my foot, waiting for the gate to open wide enough for me to sneak through. I can hear Eagle on his cell, making his way up the incline.

When the gate has opened enough for me to squeeze through, I hurry out of the gap to the mailbox. I’m in the middle of digging out the contents when I hear a vehicle approach, slowing as it draws closer. Quickly, I grab the rest of the mail before the car is on top of me. Country roads are not the safest for pedestrians, and I’m not eager to be another casualty.


I freeze, my heart stopping dead in my chest.That voice…
