Page 23 of Debt of Loyalty

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“It’s owned by a family, the Sandersons. While they allow visitors, the trip must be scheduled and okayed through them. In other words, if they don’t like you, you don’t get an invitation.”

“Then you’re special.”

I laughed. “Hardly. My father was best friends with the current patriarch. The family allowed me to build a small cabin in a remote area after I left the service.” I heard the change in my voice pattern, which mean she could too.

“You had a difficult time in the army?”

“Less than others. I came back alive.”

She seemed to know better than to ask me any questions. As I flew over the big island, she returned her attention to the scenery, but I could hear her wheels turning, questions forming. Eventually, I’d have to tell her that she didn’t want to learn the truth behind the man who was protecting her. After all, I was a bad man.

As we neared Ni’ihau, I felt another sense of peace washing over me. I’d been reborn in a sense the day I’d stepped foot on the terrain, the lush tropics and rustic atmosphere exactly what I’d needed to try to heal. Had it taken away the nightmares? Not a chance that was ever going to happen, but it had allowed me to function like a man, not a robot. I’d missed the damn place more than I’d realized.

“There’s the Sandersons’ cattle and sheep farm. There are about two hundred and fifty people living on this island. Most of them work at the farm.”

“It looks… rural.”

Smiling, I nodded. “There’s no doctor or paved roads here. The natives speak Hawaiian. It’s called the Forbidden Island.”

“It’s incredible but I can see why.”

“Be careful judging what you don’t know.”

The landing was smooth given the weather was clear. She laughed softly as she looked around. There was no airstrip, no buildings within sight. Just lush foliage.

“Okay, I hate to be a killjoy, but we’re not sleeping in the jungle. Are we?” She twisted her head, her eyes imploring.

“Are you afraid of the elements, sweetheart?”

“Should I be?”

“Absolutely. Come on. You might be surprised.” A grin popped on my face as I jumped out, surveying the area. The air was humid, but as always, there was a light breeze drifting through the trees. As I inhaled, the scent of various plants and flowers was a warm welcome. I helped her out, touching her more awkward than before. She studied me intently, squinting from the sun shimmering through the trees.

“You built a house here? Really? Is that allowed?”

I grabbed our things, heading toward the group of trees where I’d stashed the Jeep in a small shack I’d built. “Not normally.”

“Is there electricity here?”

“By generator.”

“Running water?”

“Not normally.” I watched her brow scrunch as she realized how remote the location. As I yanked away the foliage, she walked closer.

“Yours?” she asked.


“You keep it here.”

“When I run to the main island for supplies.”

She shook her head, folding her arms as she walked closer. “You’re an interesting man.”

“You have no idea.” Being around her felt more natural than I’d anticipated. She had a spark about her that accentuated her beauty, her feisty nature making her curious about everything. It had been a hell of a long time since I’d enjoyed the company of a woman for any other reason than a night of passion. Hell, she’d even gotten me to talk more than usual. That said something. “Come on. Get in, sweetheart. Allow me to show you paradise.”

