Page 46 of Debt of Loyalty

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I could see another tactic needed to be used. “Willow is suffering emotionally, Director. She won’t eat or sleep and I can’t have that if the danger continues. I’m certain you can understand that. I assume you’re a father.” As if I gave a damn at this point. “I think a single video call will really help. I’m certain the lines of communication can be secured.”

He exhaled, grumbling under his breath. “I can make no promises, Viper. None. It’s entirely up to the Cavanaughs whether they want to risk the contact.”

The man must think I’m stupid. If the security measures that had been touted to me during the presentations regarding Eagle Force were in place, then a single communication would do nothing perilous to security measures. He knew it. I knew it.

But at this point, I’d be forced to accept whatever decision was made. For now. I’d find another goddamn way if I had to hire a skip tracer. “Acceptable.”

“Good,” Broderick said, obviously relieved I was letting this go. He hadn’t delved into my file, learning that I was a tenacious freaking bulldog when it came to acquiring answers. “What I can tell you is that there are circumstances beyond my control with regard to the situation. However, you won’t be kept in harm’s way but for so long.”

“How did the Cavanaughs know about Eagle Force?”

He was genuinely surprised at my question. “I’m not privy to that information, soldier. I’m given orders just like you are.”

Translation meant the Cavanaughs were buddy-buddy with someone closer to the force. “Understood. One last question, Director. Why wasn’t I ordered to kill Castillo?”

The single cough was a dead giveaway there was a hell of a lot more to this entire operation that I’d been led to believe. Perhaps he didn’t have a full understanding of the situation either. No, the fucker knew enough given his threat.

“I don’t know for certain. It would seem the man holds some importance to the powers that be.”

Was it possible they wanted him arrested in order to make an example? Yes. It was also plausible that Castillo could lead the DEA to other factions, thereby shutting down a significant drug highway, let alone human trafficking. However, the fact one girl played a significant factor in a multimillion-dollar operation had a distinct pungent odor to it.

No, this was a game where neither Broderick nor I had been provided all the answers. I’d give the asshole a pass for now, although he and I would have words when the mission was completed.

“Fair enough, Director. I need an answer regarding the Cavanaugh family quickly. I do not plan on risking communications any longer than necessary.”

“Understood, soldier. You’ll be contacted within an hour.”

He ended the call, which ordinarily would piss me off but at this point I couldn’t care less. What I did care about was the fact something much larger was going on around us. If Willow was being used as a pawn, a bartering tool, then I would find it difficult not to try to rectify the situation my way.

And God help them if that happened. I would be out for blood.

* * *

“I don’t know if I want to do this,” Willow said softly. When I’d told her about the call with her parents, she’d glared at me as if I’d broken a trust. Then she’d walked away into the jungle where I’d found her picking fruits. I’d been surprised her parents had agreed, but that was based on what she’d told me about their relationship.

I leaned forward in the chair, turning hers around so she was forced to look at me. When she shifted her head away, I cupped her chin. “Look at me, Willow.”

“Just leave me alone, okay?”

“Look. At. Me.”

Huffing, she did, the venom in her eyes the same I’d seen several times, but there was a marked difference, utter hatred. “What? What can you say to me? That I’m supposed to act all lovey-dovey with my parents when I know my mother will act like I’m her baby princess to the world. She’ll have a fake smile and likely manage having tears in her eyes. Trust me. It’ll all be as fake as she is.”

“I couldn’t care less about your mother’s lack of emotional state except for one aspect. Can you tell if she’s lying?”

Willow narrowed her eyes. “Easily. Why?”

“Because I want you to guide her into providing answers for us.”

She blinked several times then smiled. “You’re baiting her.”

“In a sense. We need answers. You deserve them. I don’t think we’re going to get them any other way. Do you think you can do that for me?”

“You’d be surprised how good of an actress I can be.”

“Then act upset, terrified. Tell them that you were about to be sold off for several million dollars.”

The look on her face was priceless. “You are a very conniving man.”
